Wisconsin Health Authority Announces COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Map
Wisconsin — On Friday, state health officials settled in Wisconsin where they could receive the coronavirus vaccine when qualified to improve transparency, including the process of shooting more weapons. Announcing an interactive map that warns against.
mapAvailable on the Wisconsin Department of Health Services website, the vaccine has identified where and when it is distributed throughout the state and has been announced by health authorities. Online tools are designed to facilitate the process for residents to connect with their community partners and find out where they can get the vaccine and what part of the population each site serves.
As of Friday, more than 1.3 million coronavirus vaccines have been given to residents. Health officials estimate that more than half of Wisconsin residents over the age of 65 received at least one dose. Vaccine eligibility is set to extend to more residents, including teachers and childcare workers, on Monday, health officials recently announced.
Vaccination continues throughout Wisconsin, and 656 newly identified cases of coronavirus were announced Friday by state health officials. Five new COVID-19-related deaths have also been announced. Since the pandemic began almost a year ago, 562,807 Wisconsin residents have tested positive for the coronavirus and 6,399 have died. As of Thursday, the state’s seven-day average was 2.3%. A total of 59 new people have been hospitalized for COVID-19 in the last 24 hours, according to health officials.
The group will also include residents already enrolled in Medicaid’s long-term care program, some publicly-facing essential workers, non-frontline essential health care workers, and residents and staff of collective living facilities. is.
“Wisconsin continues to make great strides in immunizing people throughout the state,” DHS Interim Secretary Karen Timberlake said in a news release. “We want to offer as many options as possible to those who are currently eligible to access the COVID-19 vaccine. This map will help explain those options.”
According to health officials, the map shows where the coronavirus vaccine providers are and the community-based vaccination clinics that have been established. According to health officials, the site is a color-coded system that indicates whether it is open to all qualified residents, only to specific groups, or whether various sites are targeted at their patients. Specified by.
Map users can identify specific contact information for each site and group contained in a specific location. Health officials announced on Friday that the map will be updated every two weeks with the data reported by each provider. Authorities said the amount of vaccine available at each site may differ from the data displayed due to limited updates.
This map was introduced a week after the State Health Department Announcing a new website This links the population with the available doses of the vaccine that will be released on Monday. The online hub provides residents with the ability to notify them where they can be vaccinated and make reservations on the site. Governor Tony Evers said registration is essential for vaccination of residents throughout Wisconsin. However, the governor warned that it does not guarantee that the vaccine will suddenly be available to everyone.
“It’s important to remember that vaccine supply in Wisconsin is very limited and most people can’t make an appointment for vaccination right away,” Evers said.
Still, More people are getting shots every day On average, the state has given an average of 30,763 daily doses to Wisconsin over the past seven days, state health officials announced Thursday.
Still, health officials have acknowledged public dissatisfaction with not being able to get vaccinated as quickly as many people want.
Health officials announced on February 15 $ 6.1 million investment Supporting community-based organizations in raising awareness and access to the COVID-19 vaccine among communities facing both historical and current barriers to healthcare services and the COVID-19 vaccine. The $ 3.1 million investment funded efforts to build confidence in vaccines and revitalize organizations that act as credible messengers to reduce barriers that could prevent vaccination in urban and rural areas. I will.
All sites listed on the map released on Friday require reservations and availability is not guaranteed.
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