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Can I spend Easter with my family?10 COVID-19 Questions with Hamilton Chief Medical Officer

Can I spend Easter with my family?10 COVID-19 Questions with Hamilton Chief Medical Officer


Dr. Elizabeth Richardson, Hamilton Health Officer, joined CBC Hamilton at noon on Thursday, February 25, and asked about COVID-19.

You sent us a question, and we asked Dr. Richardson. Thank you to everyone who asked questions and made comments. Here’s what she told us about the city’s response to COVID-19, the city’s expansion plans, and more. Read below for an edited and summarized transcript of the interview, or press the play button above to see the entire interview.

Dr. Elizabeth Richardson, Hamilton Health Officer

This question was asked by Thomas Beckett, who says, “I am 95 and my wife is 81.” He asks, “When and how will I be notified when and where I can get vaccinated? Can I get vaccinated at the same time?”

For people in the older community, they are definitely the group we are very worried about and we want to get the vaccine quickly. So General Hiller announced yesterday that he would open the portal from March 15th. So it’s an online way to register. Then we’ll see when the vaccine can start moving from there. And since they work across age groups, I believe it’s the end of the 80-75+, 65+, going forward about a month at a time. I will. And that is the general development.

What we are trying to do here in Hamilton is to be able to get in touch with those groups as soon as possible. So you can know that through public announcements published through newspapers, the media and the CBC. All of this lets you know when you can call and register as the person you want to get. Appointments, and appointments flow from there.

So, for Mr. Beckett, since he and his wife are both over 80, could they be vaccinated at the same time?

exactly. You know, if they are in those same age group, they can. If you are of a different age group, you may be vaccinated before the next vaccination. But that’s a general plan.

How about a caregiver?

Diane Bugialdini said, “I am the caregiver of an elderly mother who lives alone in an apartment. I am in my early 60s. Are I eligible to be vaccinated earlier than other age groups?

Dr. Elizabeth Richardson, Hamilton Health Officer, said we shouldn’t expect the restrictions to be lifted by Easter. (Samantha Craggs / CBC)

So, for that group, at this point, the state said, no. As they move forward, they will still go by age group. As a result, caregivers who support people in a collective environment, that is, those who live and eat together, have been prioritized. Not for the people in the community at this point.

Unfortunately, the current vaccine supply we receive requires choices, to find out who is at greatest risk, and to continue to do so. We expect a significant increase in vaccine supply as summer approaches. Then you will be able to move all these groups. The state makes some decisions about who will be vaccinated first, depending on its personal risk, so the mother will be vaccinated first.

Cancer patients

Usha has been suffering from metastatic cancer for a year and is over 70 years old. “I’m scared to go to the cancer center every month for various tests and chemotherapy. I hope I have a plan to get vaccinated if my immune system is weakened like us.” , When will I be vaccinated?

Therefore, it is certainly a group of people at high risk of contracting COVID, a group that is being considered when developing priorities, and the state has not yet set the details of what is called a phase, as she says. In addition, the two groups we are waiting for to see how they value their work from the perspective of high-risk people. Another thing we need to keep in mind is that we continue to have really good tools in terms of limiting infections. So, wearing masks, all these measures in terms of distance are of all kinds, whether they are done by the individual or by asking the people around them to make sure they are doing them. .. It’s still really important. Therefore, it is very important for healthcare professionals who have begun vaccination to remember that healthcare professionals in all situations will continue to use these measures.


“I have an EpiPen for fruit allergies. I haven’t heard much about the few allergic reactions at the start of vaccination. At that time, people with EpiPen may not be shot. My allergist has a 9 month waiting list, how can I find out if I can get vaccinated? ”What’s your advice? Is it?

When these vaccines were first launched, allergies were a major concern, and there were many concerns that there would be more reactions to them. So this is good news. The reaction rate is quite low, similar to that found with other vaccines. In reality, it just shows that the body is reacting exactly to the shot. A little pain in the area, a little swelling in the area, probably a little fever. It’s all a sign that your immune system is working. However, some of us may have an overworked immune system. Therefore, in such situations, you should discuss with your healthcare provider to ensure that your vaccine is safe. So if you can’t talk to an allergist, it’s a good idea to discuss with your doctor who may know what you are particularly allergic to and if you have any concerns about the vaccine. I will. Of course, if you have any questions, you can also call our public health line.


This question came from Margaret Bosnjak — “It is not recommended to take the painkiller, Tylenol, before vaccination. I have arthritis myself and I take Tylenol 3 times daily for pain. Do you know anything? Is there a solution to this? ”

So it’s best to have that conversation, especially about your situation, for those who are taking medications for certain serious illnesses. Again, your doctor is a great place to start with such problems. Then, with you, just see what you have and how it affects your ability to get vaccinated. People with arthritis may have the underlying more serious illness. For example, people with rheumatoid arthritis. Of things. Therefore, if you have a serious medical condition, it is advisable to consult your doctor or specialist to find out where you are sitting in terms of being able to go ahead and get vaccinated. But in reality, at this point, it is a small group that is seeing where the potential contraindications are.

Drive-through clinic?

Carroll asks, “Is there a drive-through vaccine clinic? Ancaster Fairgrounds will be a great place.”

The drive-through clinic believes that it may not be a concrete method at this time. Our biggest challenge is that I’m back now, but there isn’t enough supply to open some of these other types of facilities.


Paul asks: “When will the COVID vaccine be available for educators and school workers?”

I am grateful that the school has been reopened. We know that for children it is the best place for them. And it is of great academic, personal and social importance to their development. I am very grateful to all the teachers, all the administrative staff, and all the people who continue to run our school and do their best to do their best. As you know, enhanced controls are in place to keep schools as safe as possible … Vaccines for teachers and other essential workers from a vaccination perspective-that’s it. Part of Phase 2 vaccination The part when looking at state guidance on how they prioritize the use of vaccines. Therefore, teachers are definitely in Phase 2 regarding their deployment.

Expansion to the community

Philip Morgi said: “A significant proportion of cases are due to community expansion. Where and how is community expansion occurring? Given closures and restrictions, does community expansion still make up a significant proportion of cases? “

That’s a great question, Philip. We find that about a quarter of our cases are related to community expansion. Therefore, a possible reason may be that they did not adhere to the protective measures as well as they thought in terms of mask use and time spent with someone. Therefore, they may have determined that the interaction is rather minor. However, it may have been more important in terms of the spread of the disease.


Claire asks, “Is it permissible to spend Easter with my family up to 10 people?”

Given that Easter is just a month away, it is unlikely that we will be able to meet for Easter at this time. I think what we’re looking at in modeling is definitely to stay in the red. In the future, stricter control measures may be required. So, any kind of gathering that exceeds today’s limits will never or rarely happen at this point. And it may actually need to be more stringent at that point.

How are you?

Dr. Richardson of Queeny: “How did you personally manage this stressful time?”

And thank you for asking a question. Yeah, it’s a stressful time. I don’t think it’s anything special in that regard. And you know, I love my job.
It is a great honor to serve Hamilton like I do. One of my colleagues at Hamilton Health Sciences said it really worked just a few days ago. There were so many losses. As you know, we had questions about Easter, all the family gatherings we missed, birthdays, special holidays, and our family. As you know, many of us want everyone to be quite ill or have an existing illness such as heart disease or cancer because of the fact that our hospital was. I know I’ve been waiting longer than I was working to support someone who has had COVID … as you know, I can’t spend time with my family I’m lonely. As a result, one of his sons lost his job.

You can’t work unless you spend time on your mental and physical health. So make sure you are exercising and try to connect with your friends and family in the way you can. It was so important … I had a really good day to see what people are doing to make things better for our community. And it certainly enhances my spirit.

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