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Obesity specialists say BMI is a “good way” for vaccine priority groups: Coronavirus UpdatesExBulletin

Obesity specialists say BMI is a “good way” for vaccine priority groups: Coronavirus UpdatesExBulletin


People who are overweight (people with a BMI of 30 or higher) are at increased risk of becoming severely ill with COVID-19.

David Goldman / AP

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David Goldman / AP

People who are overweight (people with a BMI of 30 or higher) are at increased risk of becoming severely ill with COVID-19.

David Goldman / AP

Several cities across the country, which count obesity as the underlying condition, have begun booking the COVID-19 vaccine for people with a body mass index of 30 or higher, the medical benchmark for obesity.

BMI is not an absolute standard for assessing potential health risk factors, but obesity medicine doctor Dr. Fatima Stanford told NPR in this case, “Overall, it’s a good measure.”

Given that obesity is both risk factors, she said it is dangerous for obese people not to be vaccinated. Serious illness and hospitalization due to COVID-19..

“We’re talking about two inflammatory conditions: obesity, chronic inflammation associated with the disease, and not working well with the acute inflammatory process of COVID-19,” said Stanford, who works at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital.

is more than 42% of adults in the United States According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in the country. Obesity is more common in blacks and slightly more common in Hispanics than in whites.Blacks and Hispanics are suffering from COVID-19 in Disproportionately high rate..

“BMI itself is an arbitrary cutoff, but it’s a decent measure of the overall population,” Stanford said. “But when talking about working with doctors and individual patients, it’s important not to use BMI as the only cut-off on how to navigate the treatment strategies for this obese patient.”

Stanford University says it sees an increasing number of hospital patients looking for ways to deal with their obesity as awareness of the adverse health effects of COVID-19 for overweight people grows. I did.

She said the brain is the body’s largest decision maker among all the organs of the body in controlling weight.

“The brain not only tells us how much we eat, but also how much we store. Therefore, many influence the way the brain decides to do its job. There are different factors. “

One of the reasons she distinguishes between the terms “obesity” and “obesity” is due to the accusations and prejudices that accompany the latter.

“I never use the word obesity because it actually encourages stigma. Obesity is a label and obesity is a disease,” she said.

Writer Emma Specter investigated such stigma In an opinion essay for trend Last week, it was titled “Millions of Americans Qualify for COVID-19 Vaccine Based on BMI. Why Should I Apologize for It?” Stanford University agreed with Specter’s assessment that doctors are one of the “worst groups” when it comes to perpetuating “fat shame.”

These attitudes are part of the prejudice, Stanford told NPR, which promotes the idea that obese people “made this themselves-and it’s certainly a fallacy.”

“Maybe what the person may have contributed? Of course, but to the person having a particular cancer, having high blood pressure, or having a process of other illness. Is there anything that might have contributed? Absolutely, “she said. “We are not ashamed of people about other illness processes as we are with obesity. I think we have to stop it.”

Instead, she suggested that obesity, like other underlying health conditions and the elderly, should be considered as yet another risk factor for COVID-19 disease.

“I want everyone to be vaccinated at some point, but why not make people with high risk factors access the vaccine as soon as possible?”

Peter Breslow and Hadeel Al-Shalchi produced and edited this interview for broadcast.

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