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Wokingham is the healthiest place in the UK and Blackpool is the healthiest in the new index


Wokingham is the healthiest place in the UK and Blackpool is the healthiest in the new index-so how did your town carry?

  • The town of Berkshire received an overall health score of 110 and became the top of the list
  • Scores were collected by the National Bureau of Statistics and financial companies
  • Seaside Town Blackpool scored only 86 in the index’s overall health category

According to the first official National Health Index, Wokingham was named the healthiest place in the UK and Blackpool was the healthiest.

The town of Berkshire topped the list with an overall health score of 110, but Blackpool scored only 86.

Scores collected by the National Bureau of Statistics and financial services firm Lane Clark & ​​Peacock include dementia, cancer, alcohol Misuse and adult obesity.

It is believed to be the first complex health index In the world, to measure the health effects of government policy, after the minister has asked statisticians to assess national health.

Some areas have healthy scores for certain living aspects, but others do not, so some of the findings provide statisticians and policy makers alike for thinking. did.

Newham in eastern London seems to have the lowest rate of depression and dementia throughout the UK, although some have a low rate of physical activity and a healthy diet.

Similarly, East Yorkshire has a bad score for heart disease, cancer and high blood pressure, but a high score for life satisfaction.

Former Chief Medical Officer Professor Dame Sally Davis, who led the study with Dr. Jonathan Person Statterd, recommended creating such a table in 2018.

According to the first official National Health Index, Wokingham was named the healthiest place in the UK and Blackpool was the healthiest.

According to the first official National Health Index, Wokingham was named the healthiest place in the UK and Blackpool was the healthiest.

The town of Berkshire topped the list with an overall health score of 110, but Blackpool scored only 86.

Pearson-Stuttard, Head of Health Analysis at LCP, said the index for 149 municipal regions should be considered a “national asset.”

He said The Sunday Times:’The numbers reveal clear and substantive differences across England and should be a wake-up call to the government to fulfill the manifesto’s commitment to level up regional inequality.

“There is some encouragement from slight improvements in measures related to well-being and mortality, but these have been offset by exacerbating the prevalence of mental and physical health.

“These could be even worse as a result of Covid-19.”

Pearson-Stuttard, Head of Health Analysis at LCP, said the index for 149 municipal regions should be considered a

Pearson-Stuttard, Head of Health Analysis at LCP, said the index for 149 municipal regions should be considered a “national asset.”

The index revealed a clear division between north and south. Wokingham is at the top of the list with an overall health score of 110.1. It is followed by Richmond Apontems at 107.7 and Windsor and Maiden Head at 106.5.

The southern regions of West Berkshire, Sally, Bracknell Forest, Buckinghamshire, Rutland, Kingston upon Thames and Hampshire make up the remaining ten healthiest places.

In contrast, Blackpool has the lowest score of 86.4, with Hull below 91 and Stoke-on-Trent below 91.4. The northern towns of Middlesbrough, Hartlepool, Knowsley, Doncaster, Nottingham, St. Helens and Salford make up the rest of England’s 10 most unhealthy regions.

The index only measured England scores, but the group plans to expand it to other parts of the UK.



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