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New protein-based immunotherapies can lead to highly effective cancer treatments

New protein-based immunotherapies can lead to highly effective cancer treatments


With a new commentary in the journal ScienceThe University of Texas at Arlington, Vice President of Research, argues that new protein-based immunotherapy may lead to highly effective “off-the-shelf” cancer treatments for more patients.

Jon Weidanz, a professor at UTA’s University of Nursing and Health Innovation, is the author of the Perspective on the Development of Cancer Immunotherapy.

His article, “Targeting Cancer with Bispecific Antibodies,” will be published in the March 5th edition. Science.. Evaluating the results of three studies by researchers at the University of John’s Hopkins, a protein-based immunotherapy that targets mutations commonly occurring in cancer cells or new antigens (mutant antigens produced by tumor cells). We suggest that new methods may lead to the following treatments: Effective for patients with oncology.

Immunotherapy, a method of treating disease by stimulating the human immune system, is evolving as an alternative to traditional cancer treatment.

“Until recently, patients were limited to four treatment options: surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy,” Weidanz said. “But the Holy Grail has always been to use the power of the immune system to develop strategies to attack and destroy cancer. Recent advances and new discoveries in immuno-oncology Science, Seems to be approaching cancer with new immunotherapy. “

As medicine advances, immunologists have found ways to manipulate human T cells, which are white blood cells that fight and kill infected cells, to recognize and target cancer cells and eliminate them from the body. This approach has led to exciting progress in this area and remission of some patients. However, more work is required to create this format. T cells A more widely available treatment.

Alternatively, researchers have developed an approach that stimulates the immune system without removing T cells from the body. These “off-the-shelf” protein-based therapies, known as bispecific T cell-binding antibodies, have proven effective in treating patients. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, A type of blood cancer.

The ideal is to create a protein molecule with two arms. One arm can recognize and bind to cancer cells. The other arm binds to T cells. Protein drugs then bring T cells closer to the tumor cells, activating them and destroying them. “

Jon Weidanz, Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Health Innovation, University of Texas at Arlington

These arms or bispecific proteins avoid healthy cells while destroying cancer cells. Weidants argues that this method of protein-based immunotherapy can make a difference. Important is the unique target expressed by the cancer cells recognized by the bispecific protein drug. Bispecific antibodies can bind to specific new antigen targets found in tumor cells and mobilize T cells to destroy cancer.

“The beauty of bispecific proteins is that they can be manufactured and placed on the shelves as immunotherapeutic agents,” Weidanz said. “If a doctor confirms that a patient’s cancer expresses a new antigen target, they can be treated immediately. It’s still personalized medicine, but it doesn’t require manipulation of T cells.”

Weidanz, an immunology expert, has over 30 years of experience in biotechnology research focused on immunotherapy, especially in oncology and product development for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. His laboratory at UTA is investigating how the immune system identifies malignant cells with the aim of designing treatments that increase the ability of immune cells to destroy cancer cells.

“Dr. Weidanz’s wealth of expertise in the field of immunology will lead us to the next generation of cancer management,” said James Grover, interim vice president of research. “The development of his laboratory and the development of his many talented colleagues across the country make this a crucial moment in the history of catastrophic illness.”

Immunotherapy has the potential to make cancer more manageable and improve the prognosis of patients, according to Weidants.

“We are at the point where we can make cancer a more chronic disease,” Weidanz said. “We are currently looking at the 5-year survival rate. With the immunotherapy under development, we can manage the disease, so we may be able to start looking at the 15-year or 20-year survival rate readings. A very exciting time. is.”


Journal reference:

Weidanz, J. , (2021) Targeting cancer with bispecific antibodies. Science..


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