COVID-19 vaccine “false positive” in mammogram
- Researchers say that lymph node swelling caused by COVID-19 vaccination can cause “false positives” in breast cancer mammograms.
- Some healthcare facilities postpone breast cancer screening for 4-6 weeks after vaccination.
- However, experts say that diagnostic tests performed after breast cancer symptoms are discovered should not be postponed.
One potential side effect of COVID-19 vaccine The lymph nodes are swollen.
This is normal and temporary, but mammogram results can be ambiguous.
Articles published in the journal Clinical image And Radiology We will elaborate on some cases of obscure mammogram measurements after COVID-19 vaccination.
In some of those cases, people underwent more imaging or biopsy.
Swelling of the lymph nodes occurred under the arm or near the collarbone on the same side where the vaccine was given.
“After the COVID-19 vaccination, many women had swollen lymph nodes in their armpits,” he said. Dr. Emily SonnenbrickHe is a mammography radiologist at the Dubin Breast Center at Mount Sinai Hospital and an associate professor of radiology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.
“Lymph nodes are part of the body’s immune system, which swell as a normal reaction to foreign bodies such as vaccines and infections,” she added.
The radiologist looks for suspicious changes in the breast and armpits.
Swelling of the lymph nodes can be a sign of cancer.
“But swelling of isolated lymph nodes in the absence of known breast cancer is a rare first sign of cancer,” Sonnnblick told Healthline.
Dr. Clayton Taylor Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – A breast radiologist at Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solab Institute.
Taylor told the healthline that it was too early to know how common lymph node swelling was after COVID-19 vaccination. There is also uncertainty about how they are seen in screening mammograms and can cause false positive results.
“But from experience since January of this year, the risk of false-positive screening mammograms from COVID-19 vaccination-related lymphadenopathy appears to be very small, as long as we collect information about COVID-19 vaccination from patients. The status at the time of their appointment, “said Taylor.
“If the screening mammogram identifies swelling of the lymph nodes due to COVID-19 vaccination and finds that further evaluation is needed, ask the patient to return to focused ultrasound evaluation of this area,” he adds. I did.
Dr. Deanna J. Attai He is an associate clinical professor of surgery at the University of California, Los Angeles, David Geffen School of Medicine.
Attai told Healthline that it is important to distinguish between screening mammography and diagnostic mammography.
Mammography screening is done for people who have no symptoms.
” Breast Imaging Society (SBI) Women are advised to wait about 4-6 weeks after COVID vaccination to have a mammography screening or try vaccination before the mammogram, “said Attai.
Taylor said mammogram screening can be safely and accurately interpreted in people who have recently been vaccinated with COVID-19.
“As long as that vaccination information is collected, as recommended by SBI. Therefore, we are collecting COVID-19 vaccination information. However, we do not recommend delaying mammogram screening for women at this time.” He continued.
“If a woman and her healthcare provider are very concerned about the potential for false positives due to lymphadenopathy, it is advisable to schedule a screening mammogram 4-6 weeks after vaccination is complete. We will update the guidance on screening mammogram schedules as additional information becomes available in the future, “says Taylor.
The diagnostic mammogram should not be delayed.
If you have new findings such as lumps, abnormal nipple discharge, swelling of the breast, or other changes, get a mammogram, Attai said.
“Diagnostic studies will be conducted in women with new findings such as lumps, or in women with abnormal screening mammography. According to SBI, these studies should continue to be conducted in women when in the facility. Should inform mammography engineers about recent vaccinations, “she said.
Sonnenblick explained that swelling of the lymph nodes may be a sign of metastasis if you already have breast cancer.
Talk to your doctor if you notice any changes in your breasts or armpit hair, such as pain or lumps.
Cancer screening is generally Slowed down During the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for breast and colorectal cancer.
The shutdown fueled some of the slowdown and fear of being infected with the coronavirus.
The less screening, the less diagnosis.
Cancer screening rates are rising again after a sharp decline in the spring and summer of 2020. However, there is still a backlog of screening failures and delays.
New outlook Survey Of the approximately 550,000 women, skipping even one of the recommended mammography screenings before diagnosing breast cancer was found to significantly increase the risk of death.
Medical facilities nationwide are taking steps to prevent COVID-19 infection. These steps include scheduled intervals, physical distances, wearing masks, and disinfection procedures.
Talk to your doctor about the safety concerns associated with COVID-19 and if you need to schedule a mammogram. Guidelines Mammogram screening depends on individual risk factors.
“Patients who may be symptomatological or infected with COVID-19 should follow current appropriate public health recommendations,” Taylor said.
“But having a personal history of COVID-19 infection is not expected to interfere with mammogram screening,” he said.
“The most important thing is that women continue to undergo mammography screening and receive COVID-19 vaccination when available, as both have proven to be very important for maintaining good health. That’s what Taylor said.
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