Austin Public Health is working to expand mobile vaccine options for the elderly at home
Austin (KXAN) —Like many Austins, Stacy Anestad helps parents near the age of 90 register for the COVID-19 vaccine.
“To get a promise, you almost have to play the system. My 89-year-old dad doesn’t know how to play the system. He doesn’t even know how to game the system,” she said.
Her parents are worried about going to the vaccine distribution site after staying at home for a year. Moreover, she said it was not easy for them to transport.
“”[My mom] Not only are we struggling to get to places where we don’t have to drive or line up for a long time, but we’re also very interested in being in a space with many others. ” Aannestad said.
She was excited to read about the Save Our Seniors initiative to leverage the partnership between National Guardsmen and Mealson Wheels to distribute vaccines to returning seniors, but there was one major problem.
The highly advertised program is also not available in Travis County or nearby Williamson and Hayes County.
On Monday, Governor Greg Abbott announced that 34 counties would participate in the second week of the program. The state analyzed several data points on vaccine deployment, focusing on “equal distribution of vaccines throughout the state” to select participating counties.
- Number of authorized providers servicing the area
- Total allocation for the last 12 weeks
- Data showing the least vaccinated counties at both 65+ and 75+ doses.
“With the Save Our Seniors initiative, Texas is providing vaccines to seniors across the state at the highest risk of COVID-19,” Abbott said in a release. “In the second week of the program, we assigned over 10,000 vaccines to reach the most vulnerable people in the community. A National Guard man carrying out this important mission of protecting the elderly in need. Thank the woman. “
Aannestad asked a KXAN researcher, “Why isn’t there such a program?”
In a presentation to Travis County Commissioner Court and the Austin City Council, Austin public health officials said they were working on it.
APH Director Stephanie Hayden-Howard said he is working with at least eight non-profit partners.
“They help us decide where we can be. They help us with a list of people who introduce us,” she said.
Then she explained that APH would come in, organize her appointment schedule and administer the vaccine.
Hayden-Howard specifically mentioned the partnership with Meals on Wheels Central Texas. This indicates that this effort may begin on March 22nd. He also said that he is working with the Housing Corporation to set up vaccine events in some elderly community rooms. Places where housing or high-risk people can live in large numbers. In addition, she said there is a church editing a list of congregations who are eligible for the vaccine and want the vaccine, perhaps on Sunday, to hold a convenient vaccine event.
District 2 City Council member Vanessa Fentes asked about options available to seniors who are not part of any of these programs or nonprofits.
“If I’m Austinite not affiliated with any of these entities, is it up to me to register online or call the number?” She asked.
In response, Hayden Howard said participating nonprofits have also introduced the names of people in this situation to APH. They still encourage anyone who can use the online sign-up portal to make sure they don’t miss it.
“Our staff make home visits with people who say,’I and my wife are disabled and are returning home.’ We are not cooperating with any of those organizations. Basically, our staff will be able to go to their homes to provide those vaccines, “she said.
- To hear more from this joint APH briefing, click here..
When Hayden Howard was asked if he had considered a true “mobile” vaccine clinic operated by van or vehicle, the purchasing department would “consider” a contract with a third-party vendor for this type of effort. I said there is.
Judge Andy Brown of Travis County said: “Our duty is to ensure full capacity throughout the county (east, west, north, south) so that when we get these large quantities, they will be available to people. No matter where they live, whatever their income, or their ability to drive somewhere. “
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