Don’t worry about the common side effects of Dr. Covid Jab says
Doctors say it’s normal to experience the side effects of the Covid vaccine and people shouldn’t worry.
According to official guidance, the side effects of jabs currently administered in the UK are “very common.”
These can include symptoms like fatigue, pain, and the flu, but doctors usually say they don’t have to worry.
Professor Martin Marshall of the Royal College of General Practicism, Told the Huffington Post : “As with most vaccinations, it is normal for some patients to experience mild side effects.
“If necessary, it is recommended that patients treat these with painkillers such as paracetamol.”
New data suggest that more than one-third of people who receive the first dose of coronavirus vaccine report some side effects.
Most of the side effects were mild and included pain and swelling around the injection site.
The data show that those who have previously been infected with Covid-19 have one or more mild systemic (systemic) side effects compared to those who have not been infected with the virus from Pfizer (33% vs. 19%). It suggests that you are almost twice as likely to experience. BioNTech vaccine dose.
According to the latest data from the Zoe Covid Symptom Study app, the most common mild systemic (systemic) side effects were fatigue (9%), headache (8%), chills or tremors (4%).
The mildest systemic (systemic) side effects appear in the first two days after vaccination, with only 3% of people having sequelae for more than three days.
Numbers based on nearly 40,000 vaccinated subsamples suggest that 37% of people experienced some local side effects after the first dose and 45% after the second dose.
14% reported at least one systemic side effect within 7 days of the first dose, compared with 22% from the second dose, indicating a strong immune response after the second dose. There may be.
The data found that 13% of vaccinated men and 19% of vaccinated women reported at least one systemic side effect within 7 days.
Children under 55 were more likely to experience systemic side effects than those over 55 (21% vs. 14%).
The Covid-19 vaccine works by training the immune system with a harmless version or component of the coronavirus, so when the virus is encountered, the body can repel it.
This reaction is a symptom of the body fighting a real infection, such as headache, fever, chills and tremors, fatigue (malaise), muscle and joint pain, diarrhea, and feeling sick (nausea). You may feel like.
Experts say stronger reactions may provide evidence of increased immune response.
This current data is for Pfizer / BioNTech vaccines, and most of what was analyzed was healthcare professionals.
Tim Spector, Principal Scientist of Research at King’s College London and Professor of Genetic Epidemiology, said: It is calm and found in a small number of people.
“It’s interesting that people with previous Covids are more likely to experience these mild sequelae than naive subjects.
“This may be good news. Such a big reaction could cause a stronger immune response in the person who received the first dose after taking Covid and gain greater protection from a single vaccination. It suggests that there is. “
According to official UK government guidance, vaccines can cause side effects “like all drugs.”
Most of these state that they are “mild and short-term, and not everyone gets them,” and even if they have symptoms after the first dose, they need a second jab.
The “very common” side effects are:
-Heavy sensations and tenderness and tenderness with pain in the arm that received the injection. This tends to get worse about 1-2 days after vaccination.
-General pain or mild flu-like symptoms
Feeling feverish is not uncommon for up to 3 days, but high temperatures are unusual and may be due to Covid or another infection.
One of the rare side effects is swelling of the glands.
The advice to recover from mild symptoms is to take a rest and take the usual amount of paracetamol.
If you feel good, you should be able to resume normal activity, but it can be difficult to lift heavy objects, especially if your arm hurts.
The advice states that people who feel sick or very tired should take a rest and avoid operating or driving machinery.
Symptoms are usually said to last less than a week, but if they get worse or are worried, call the 111 NHS.
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