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The second patient with HIV cured raises expectations for tens of millions of infected people-World News

The second patient with HIV cured raises expectations for tens of millions of infected people-World News


Scientists have found a second person known to have cured HIV naturally.

A woman who lives in Argentina and is called an Esperanza patient has been found to be free of the virus that causes the disease or the so-called “intact” virus in her body.

A 30-year-old woman had undetectable levels of HIV, even though she was infected with the virus and tested positive.

The discovery was presented by Harvard scientists at a major international conference of HIV experts.

It is hoped that the therapeutic potential of the 38 million people living with HIV around the world is a little closer.

“It’s good to find one patient with this natural ability for functional healing (no fertile virus), but finding two means much more. Dr. Natalia Lofer, a patient doctor and HIV researcher in Buenos Aires, reported in the Times.

Red ribbon HIV, close-up female hand holding a ribbon of awareness of World AIDS Day. Healthcare and medical concepts.
This finding represents a potential breakthrough for 38 million people worldwide infected with HIV.
(Image: Getty Images / iStockphoto)

“Her HIV antibody tests showed that she was HIV positive, but the level of the virus was undetectable and the condition persisted over time, which is very rare.”

A patient with ESPERANZA, whose boyfriend died of AIDS, was diagnosed in 2013 and both his current partner and baby are HIV-negative.

She is what scientists call an elite controller. That is, HIV settles in a part of her genome known as the “gene desert,” where it does nothing.

Support HIV pills / paper background.
Discovery may affect future treatment
(Image: Getty Images / iStockphoto)

Viruses usually propagate and infect the DNA of cells.

The only other known HIV patient without the intact virus is Loreen Willenberg, 67, from San Francisco, who was identified last August.

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Professor Xu Yu, an HIV researcher at Harvard Medical School’s Ragon Institute, said: “The functional viral levels in these patients are at least one-thousandth that of those receiving HIV medication.”

Harvard scientists said the findings revealed how elite controllers could defeat the virus.


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