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Painless swabs used to detect Parkinson’s disease with high accuracy

Painless swabs used to detect Parkinson’s disease with high accuracy


Currently, the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease can be a complex process that relies on symptoms, careful examination, and a doctor’s case-by-case assessment, but recently, how more clear signs of the disease occur. You can see if there is a possibility. Intestines,our Tears And even our skin. Focusing on this last possibility, scientists at the University of Manchester (UM) have found that cotton swabs that collect chemical information from the skin can be used to accurately distinguish between patients with Parkinson’s disease and healthy controls. did.

The idea of ​​detecting Parkinson’s disease through skin biomarkers is drawing attention, and researchers are addressing this possibility from different angles. Most of the dopamine-producing brain cells die and are expected to be diagnosed and managed in the early stages before the patient’s symptoms worsen.

One way scientists may be able to do this is through a skin biopsy that reveals specific biomarkers.Last october Survey By detecting the misfolded α-synuclein protein, researchers were able to demonstrate how this approach could be used to correctly identify the disease in 24 of 25 cases.

This new study explores a non-invasive approach, focusing on cotton swabs that collect samples from the oily layer of skin called sebum. The substance is full of molecules of interest and is thought to be produced in higher quantities in people with Parkinson’s disease than in those who do not. So the UM team created a study to investigate the relationship with the disease.

500 participants, with or without Parkinson’s disease, were recruited for the experiment and sebum samples were collected from the upper back. Analysis of the chemical content using various mass spectrometers then revealed 10 chemicals that rose or fell in people suffering from Parkinson’s disease. Using these biomarkers, scientists were able to distinguish between sick and non-sick with 85% accuracy.

As part of another related study, the team again used mass spectrometry to monitor these chemical features over time. This reveals subtle changes as the disease progresses, and scientists have discovered changes in fat processing and mitochondria in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Thus, skin swab technology may not only be a method of diagnosing Parkinson’s disease, but also a method of monitoring its progression.

“We believe our results are a very promising step towards tests that may be useful in diagnosing and monitoring Parkinson’s disease,” said Professor Perdi Tabalan of the University of Manchester. “The test is not only quick, easy and painless, but it should be very cost-effective because it uses existing technology that is already widely used. Now we are improving the test to make it even more accurate. To improve, take steps to advance the findings and turn them into tests that can be used by the NHS (National Health Service) to develop more accurate diagnoses and better treatments for this debilitating condition. “

Two papers detailing the study have been published in the journal ACS Central Science And Nature Communications..

Source: University of Manchester

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