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Ohio reports 1,558 new COVID-19 cases, no new deaths, and 72,380 new vaccinations

Ohio reports 1,558 new COVID-19 cases, no new deaths, and 72,380 new vaccinations


Columbus, Ohio — The Ohio Health Department reported 1,588 new COVID-19 cases in today’s state, bringing the total number of cases to 988,298.

Key indicators

Today’s new cases are below the average daily number of cases for 21 days, 1,636. These numbers include both cases confirmed by viral testing and cases that meet the definition of CDC potential. To date, 842,626 COVID-19 cases have been identified, accounting for 85% of all cases.

To date, a total of 98,207 cases of coronavirus have been reported in Kaiyahoga County.

Currently, there are 17,871 coronavirus-related deaths throughout the state. No new deaths have been reported today.

Other states do not regularly send Ohio death certificates to ODH’s Vital Statistics Department, so the mortality data provided by Ohio remains fluctuating and their deaths are appropriate. Assigned to a date.

As of today, it is estimated that 937,842 Ohio people have recovered from the disease, according to ODH.

The median age of patients is 42 years, and the age range of infected patients ranges from less than 1 year to 111 years.

3/13/21 CV key indicator

Ohio Health Department


ODH reported 78 new hospitalizations today and had 5 ICU admissions. Currently, there are 894 COVID-19 patients in Ohio hospitals and 211 COVID-19 patients in the ICU.

According to ODH, non-COVID patients currently account for 65.14% of the state’s beds. COVID-positive patients account for 3.27%, leaving 31.59% of currently available beds. COVID patients make up 4.50% of state ICU beds, non-COVID patients make up 64.44% of ICU beds, and 31.07% of ICU beds are currently open.


Comparing Ohio’s vaccination coverage with other states:

To date, the COVID-19 vaccine has been launched in 2,310,638 people in Ohio, which accounts for 19.77% of the state’s population. The vaccine has been launched in 72,380 people in the last 24 hours.

3/13/21 CV vaccination has started.

Ohio Health Department

COVID-19 vaccination was completed with a total of 1,339,820 people, or 11.46% of the state’s population. In the last 24 hours, the vaccine has been completed in 43,505 people.

3/13/21 CV vaccine completed

Ohio Health Department

This graph shows the immunization rates for each county in Ohio.


The latest 36,568 tests were conducted on March 11th. This data It was available from ODH. Of these tests, 3.1% were positive, the same as the average positive rate for 7 days. Click here for details Where to get the COVID-19 test in your area.

Learn more about visualizing COVID-19 data in News 5.

See more data from their ODH Click here for the COVID-19 dashboard.

Note: The graph above has been updated from various sources and may or may not reflect the latest state-published COVID-19 data. These charts are regularly updated with new data and may not reflect the stats of the text of this story at the time of publication.

Read the daily Coronavirus Live Blog for the latest updates and news about Coronavirus.

It’s open!Northeast Ohio A place created by News 5 that opens us up to new ways of thinking, new ways of collecting and new ways of supporting.

Click here for pages with resources Overview of COVID-19 from the CDC, details of the incident in Ohio, timeline of Governor Mike Dewein’s orders since the outbreak, the impact of the coronavirus on northeastern Ohio, from the Ohio Health Department, Kaiyahoga County Commission Health, CDC and WHO, including links to more information.

See Visualizing data showing the effects of the coronavirus in Ohio. Includes county maps, charts showing the spread of the disease, and more.

display Global Coronavirus Tracker With data from Johns Hopkins University.

here Everything you need to know about testing for coronavirus in Ohio.

Here’s a list of what was closed in northeastern Ohio due to coronavirus concerns:

See our full coverage Coronavirus continuous coverage page.


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