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A high BMI may qualify you for a vaccine, but it may not mean that you are unhealthy. Here’s how to check |

A high BMI may qualify you for a vaccine, but it may not mean that you are unhealthy. Here’s how to check |


Many Americans are struggling to find their body mass index (BMI) because obesity is a factor in the eligibility of the Covid-19 vaccine. But experts say the meaning behind these numbers, and how to lower them, is not always so clear.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists obesity as follows: Fundamental medical condition, And define it as a person with a body mass index of 30 or more and less than 40. However, having a high BMI does not necessarily mean that you are unhealthy.

Assessing your BMI is a quick and dirty way to indirectly measure the amount of fat your body has. CDC has created a calculator for Both children And grown up To find their number.

For adults, a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is within the normal range, 25 to 29.9 is overweight, and 30 and above are obese. According to the CDC, a BMI of 40 or higher can be classified as “extreme” or “severe” obesity.

A BMI of more than 30 can cause serious health problems such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, said Dr. Clifford Rosen, director of the Clinical and Translational Research Center at the Maine Medical Center Research Center. ..

Obesity also increases the risk of a more serious reaction to Covid-19, he said.

According to Rosen, there are some rare cases where a healthy person reports an unhealthy BMI number. Dr. Caroline Apobian, Head of Nutrition and Weight Management at Boston Medical Center and Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics at Boston University School of Medicine, said weight trainers and athletics may have more muscle and higher BMI. It states that it has sex. medicine.

“Many soccer players have a BMI of 30, 35, and even 40, but they’re all muscular, so they’re very healthy,” said Apovian.

If you’re not sure if your high BMI is due to fat or muscle, Apovian recommends that you consult a weight loss specialist for a more specific test.

How to lower your BMI

According to Rosen, it is possible to lower your BMI through diet and exercise.

The first step is to understand that it is not your fault and take responsibility for your body.

Tell yourself, “I don’t know what’s causing it, but I’m going to do something.”

Changing your diet is an important step in the weight loss process, Rosen emphasized. Individuals need to limit the amount of processed foods they consume and replace them with whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Dr. Robert Kushner, a professor of medicine at Northwestern University’s Fineberg School of Medicine in Chicago, said careful dieting is another way to lose weight. This is where people slow down when they eat and enjoy themselves in front of them.

“It slows down and lowers your fork … plan ahead of what you’re eating and know the size of the pieces,” Kushner said.

It should not be less than 1,200-1,500 calories per day without the permission of a weight loss expert.

If you overeat, Apovion recommended making a moderate calorie deficiency to lower your BMI. People should start losing about 1-2 pounds a week. This shows that your efforts are rewarding.

The next step to lowering your BMI is to exercise.

According to Rosen, about 150 minutes of exercise per week breaks down into about 20 minutes of exercise per day, making it a great way to lose weight.

Apobian also recommended weight training at least twice a week to help build muscle and burn fat.

Rosen suggested taking a walk, leaving home, doing a virtual workout, and going to the gym when it was safe.

For more extreme cases and general help, he emphasized the importance of meeting a weight loss expert.

Correction: Earlier versions of this story misnamed Dr. Clifford Rosen.


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