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Berlin opens up a cultural place despite rising virus numbers

Berlin opens up a cultural place despite rising virus numbers



Berlin (AP) — Stephen Geismeier cheeky dusts the heads of ancient Mesopotamian figures at the famous Pergamon Museum in Berlin, confirming that the statue is firmly anchored to the pedestal, and then the vast sky. Moved to the next object in the building.

When a stone restoration specialist is working, other employees will stick arrows to the ground and visitors will have to follow when the museum finally reopens on Tuesday under harsh conditions. Showed a special way.

Museums across Germany were closed in early November due to an increase in coronavirus cases, but authorities relaxed restrictions earlier this month and some museums, galleries and certain other cultural institutions revisited. Allowed to start accepting people.

Several cities, including Cologne, started last week and now the capital is one of Berlin’s cultural highlights, a UNESCO World Heritage-listed museum island in Berlin and other places for visitors to collect. Part of it is restarting.

Markus Farr, a spokesman for the State Museum in Berlin, said:

Under the new regulations, museums in areas with less than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants can be opened without major restrictions other than standard masks, hygiene and distance rules.

If the price is between 50 and 100, as in Berlin’s current 75.1, tickets are limited to online purchases and the number is limited.

If the number exceeds 100 for three consecutive days, the museum will need to be closed again.

The Berlin plan requires visitors to register their name when entering the building after purchasing a ticket online. Only one visitor per 40 square meters is allowed inside and all must wear masks and comply with standard hygiene and distance rules.

The national infection rate on Tuesday is 83.7 infections per 100,000 inhabitants each week, which is expected to increase further in most parts of Berlin and Germany, and the museum may close again soon.

At Pergamon and its Ancient Near Eastern Museum, Geismeier cleaned the head of Mali’s ruler Puzluistal on Monday, and other facilities reopened in Berlin include the National Museum of Art, James Simon Gallery, and the Neues Museum. ..

Many are pleased with the plans to reopen other cultural institutions.

A spokeswoman told Deutsche Presse dpa that online tickets were sold out “within minutes” after the Berlin Philharmoniker announced last week that it would hold one concert later this month.

Philharmonic wants to accommodate up to 1,000 visitors to a symphony concert under Star Conductor Kirill Petrenko on Saturday. Daniel Barenboim will marry Figaro on April 2nd at the Berlin State Opera on Unter den Linden Boulevard.

The concert is part of a pilot project from March 19th to April 4th, including nine shows at the Volksbühne and Berliner Ensemble Theatres, the State Opera and other venues in the city.

All visitors, actors, musicians and other workers test the virus at a specially selected test center on the day of the event and provide evidence of negative results when presenting their ID and personal admission ticket. Must be shown.

“Such a pilot project is unique in Germany,” said Klaus Rederer, a cultural senator in the city-state. “Hopefully it is a contribution to a problem-free visit to a cultural event and as soon as possible.”

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