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COVID-19 vaccination in Canada on Tuesday, March 16, 2021

COVID-19 vaccination in Canada on Tuesday, March 16, 2021


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The latest figures for COVID-19 vaccination in Canada as of 10:30 pm EST on Tuesday, March 16, 2021.

In Canada, the state reports 120,004 new vaccinations with a total of 3,271,309 vaccinations. Nationwide, 604,921 people or 1.6 percent of the population are fully vaccinated. The state administered doses at a rate of 8,631.587 per 100,000 people.

211,690 new vaccines have been delivered to the states and territories, for a total of 4,193,910 vaccines to date. States and territories use 78% of the available vaccine supply.

Please note that Newfoundland, PEI, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the region usually do not report daily.

Newfoundland Reported that it had received 8,864 new vaccinations in the last 7 days, for a total of 33,621 vaccinations. The state administered doses at a rate of 64.207 per 1,000 people. In the state, 1.75 percent (9,170) of the population is fully vaccinated. No new vaccines have been delivered to Newfoundland, with a total of 54,320 doses delivered so far. The state receives enough vaccine to give one in 10% of the population. The state used 61.89 percent of the available vaccine supply.


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PEI Reported that it had given 1,810 new vaccinations in the last 7 days, for a total of 15,999 vaccinations. The state administered doses at a rate of 100.858 per 1,000 people. In the state, 3.53 percent (5,603) of the population is fully vaccinated. To date, no new vaccine has been given to PEI with a total of 19,055 vaccinations. The state receives enough vaccine to give a single dose to 12% of the population. The state used 83.96 percent of the available vaccine supply.

Nova Scotia Reported that it had received 9,913 new vaccinations in the last 7 days, for a total of 50,144 vaccinations. The state administered doses at a rate of 51.382 per 1,000. In the state, 1.71 percent (16,650) of the population is fully vaccinated. Nova Scotia has received 6,250 new vaccines, for a total of 104,580 doses so far. The state is vaccinated enough to give one in 11% of the population. The state used 47.95 percent of the available vaccine supply.

New Brunswick Reports 12,871 new vaccinations in the last 7 days, for a total of 51,354 vaccinations. The state administered doses at a rate of 65.835 per 1,000. In the state, 1.56 percent (12,195) of the population is fully vaccinated. No new vaccines have been delivered to New Brunswick, with a total of 75,995 doses delivered so far. The state receives enough vaccine to give a single dose to 9.7% of the population. The state used 67.58 percent of the available vaccine supply.


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Quebec A total of 774,600 vaccinations reported 30,492 new vaccinations. The state administered doses at a rate of 90.526 per 1,000 people. To date, 101,790 new vaccines have been delivered to Quebec, for a total of 1,050,355 doses. The state receives enough vaccine to give a single dose to 12% of the population. The state used 73.75 percent of the available vaccine supply.

Ontario A total of 1,243,132 vaccinations reported 51,579 new vaccinations. The state administered doses at a rate of 84.63 per 1,000. In the state, 1.97 percent (288,918) of the population is fully vaccinated. No new vaccines have been delivered to Ontario, with a total of 1,457,005 doses to date. The state receives enough vaccine to give a single dose to 9.9% of the population. The state used 85.32 percent of the available vaccine supply.

Manitoba A total of 109,875 vaccinations reported 2,944 new vaccinations. The state administered doses at a rate of 79.793 per 1,000. In the state, 2.56 percent (35,227) of the population is fully vaccinated. Manitoba has received 20,500 new vaccines, with a total of 179,720 doses to date. The state is vaccinated enough to give one in 13% of the population. The state used 61.14 percent of the available vaccine supply.


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Saskatchewan A total of 108,669 vaccinations reported 4,245 new vaccinations. The state administered doses at a rate of 92.158 per 1,000. In the state, 2.48 percent (29,209) of the population are fully vaccinated. Zero new vaccines have been delivered to Saskatchewan, for a total of 122,685 doses so far. The state receives enough vaccine to give one in 10% of the population. The state used 88.58 percent of the available vaccine supply.

Alberta A total of 379,882 vaccinations reported 11,758 new vaccinations. The state administered doses at a rate of 86.297 per 1,000. In the state, 2.09 percent (91,868) of the population is fully vaccinated. No new vaccines have been delivered to Alberta, with a total of 436,425 doses so far. The state receives enough vaccine to give a single dose to 9.9% of the population. The state used 87.04 percent of the available vaccine supply.

British Columbia A total of 424,517 vaccinations reported 15,414 new vaccinations. The state administered doses at a rate of 82.726 per 1,000 people. In the state, 1.70 percent (87,070) of the population is fully vaccinated. British Columbia has received 83,150 new vaccines, with a total of 597,070 doses to date. The state receives enough vaccine to give a single dose to 12% of the population. The state used 71.1 percent of the available vaccine supply.


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Yukon It is reported that a total of 30,569 vaccinations resulted in 599 new vaccinations. The territory received a dose of 732.525 per 1,000 people. In this area, 25.26 percent (10,543) of the population is fully vaccinated. To date, no new vaccines have been delivered to Yukon, for a total of 35,000 doses. The territory is vaccinated with enough vaccine to give a single dose to 84% of the population. The region uses 87.34 percent of the available vaccine supply.

Northwest Territories A total of 32,074 vaccinations report zero new vaccinations. The territory received a dose of 710.876 per 1,000 people. In this area, 27.46 percent (12,389) of the population is fully vaccinated. No new vaccines have been delivered to the Northwest Territories, with a total of 35,300 doses delivered so far. The territory is vaccinated with sufficient vaccine for a single dose to 78% of the population. The region uses 90.86 percent of the available vaccine supply.

Nunavut Territory A total of 16,873 vaccinations reportedly resulted in 555 new vaccinations. The territory received doses at a rate of 435.702 per 1,000. In this area, 15.70 percent (6,079) of the population is fully vaccinated. No new vaccines have been delivered to Nunavut Territory, with a total of 26,400 doses delivered so far. The area is vaccinated enough to give one inoculation to 68% of the population. The region uses 63.91 percent of the available vaccine supply.


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* Data Note: The figures are edited by the COVID-19 Open Data Working Group based on the latest public data and are subject to change. Note that some states report weekly, while others report same or previous day figures. The dose of vaccine given is not the same as the number of people given, as the approved vaccine requires two doses per person. The vaccine is not currently given to children under the age of 18 or children of certain health conditions. Because some states use additional doses per vial, it may appear that the number of doses given exceeds the number of doses distributed.

This report was automatically generated by the Canadian Press Digital Data Desk and was first published on March 16, 2021.


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