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Pillar of Active Aging-5 Delicious Soups Offering Lots of Vitamins and Minerals | Sponsored Content

Pillar of Active Aging-5 Delicious Soups Offering Lots of Vitamins and Minerals | Sponsored Content


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Your body needs a variety of essential vitamins and minerals to function properly-and your nutritional needs change as you grow older. Each important nutrient supports a variety of physical functions that help maintain good health at different stages of life.

Planning the menu to include the appropriate suggested daily amounts of vitamins and minerals can seem daunting, but it’s not difficult! You can get a lot of important nutrients by adding a delicious, hearty and healthy soup together. Consider your dietary guidelines and try these healthy soup recipes to get the nutrients you need.

Vitamins and minerals essential for the elderly

Dietary needs change with age and it’s never too late to choose healthy foods and drinks.The· National Institute of Health We recommend eating nutritious foods from each of the major food groups (vegetables, fruits, grains, proteins, dairy products, oils) and staying within the recommended daily calorie restriction.

Calcium, the most abundant mineral in the body, strengthens teeth and bones. Bone mass decreases with age. This increases the risk of osteoporosis and fractures in the elderly. Dairy products such as low-fat milk and low-fat yogurt, and dark leafy vegetables such as kale are excellent sources of daily calcium.

In addition, a diet high in sodium can increase blood pressure. This is a major risk factor For heart disease and stroke. Adults over the age of 51, if currently suffering from hypertension or prehypertension, should not exceed 2,300 mg of sodium per day or 1,500 mg per day.

You can find recommended daily doses of essential nutrients from the National Institutes of Health table at the National Institute on Aging. Major Vitamins and Minerals for People Over 51..

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Try these delicious soups that provide only what your body needs to start a healthier diet!

Vitamin-rich vegetable soup

This flavorful chicken broccoli-based vegetable soup contains a variety of vitamin-rich vegetables such as broccoli and red pepper in vitamin C, white potatoes in vitamins B1, B3, B6, potassium, magnesium and carrots in vitamin A. It is.

Butternut squash soup

Butternut squash soup is a delicious treat at any time of the year. This recipe features a fun ingredient twist – apples! Surprise fruit adds fiber, large amounts of vitamins, and potassium to the pan. At its core, pumpkin is an excellent source of fiber for gut health, boasting multiple vitamins and calcium, magnesium and zinc. Carrots and onions finish the vegetables with a stock of vegetables and a coconut milk base.

Vitamin vegetable soup

This variety of vegetable soups is full of nutrients. Parsnips carry vitamins A, C, K and folic acid into bowls along with vitamins A, E and K carrots. Mushrooms add vitamin D, biotin, niacin, and riboflavin, and spinach boasts B vitamins. A tablespoon of olive oil adds garlic, basil, thyme, and black pepper to add fat that is good for your health and enhances the flavor.

Light-up pasta fajori soup

Pasta e fagioli means “pasta and beans” and this recipe provides a “light” version of the beloved Italian all-in-one meal. Lean turkey minced meat replaces ground beef as an excellent source of protein with carrots stuffed with vitamins A, E and K, and antioxidant-rich tomatoes with folic acid and potassium. Finely chopped cabbage adds fiber and folic acid, while kidney beans (which should always be cooked well) provide additional protein and vitamins. Pasta carrying carbohydrates completes the dish as an energy booster!

Chicken & kale soup

Kale One of the most nutritious vegetables, And it’s paired with protein-rich chicken in this hearty soup. One cup of kale provides abundant vitamins A, K and C. It also contains B vitamins, calcium, magnesium and potassium. The delicious soup also includes potatoes, onions and unsalted green beans.

These are just a few delicious options for you to get started! Include a hearty soup on your day, and you will add some of the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

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