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Jackson Health Leaders Encourage Residents to Get Vaccinated As Supplies Increase


Jackson, Michigan — Health leaders across Jackson County hosted the City Hall on Facebook Live and Zoom on Thursday, March 18, providing up-to-date information and answering questions about the COVID vaccine.

The virtual forum was attended by Rose Johnson, a physician at the Jackson Family Health Center, and Cortland Ketheian, Vice President of Population Health at Henry Ford Alesian Health. The event was moderated by Sholanda Hunt, a member of the board of directors of Jackson Public School.

“We know that many people are still anxious and hesitant. The goal here tonight is to make people feel more comfortable with the idea of ​​getting vaccinated,” Keyeyian said. Said. “Vaccination is one of the most amazing achievements we have in science. Vaccination has saved many lives.”

Keyeyian described the science behind mRNA vaccines such as Pfzier and Moderna COVID vaccines. These vaccines carry a chain of materials that provoke an immune response and carry genetic instructions to make proteins to build immunity to the virus.

He also dismissed some common misconceptions during the forum, such as the fact that the vaccine could actually infect the virus and the fear that it would cost money to sign up to get an injection. I did.

It is impossible for the vaccine to give the virus to anyone, and the federal government is paying for a vaccine that is free for uninsured residents, officials said. Some people are billed by insurance to get the vaccine, but patients are never billed, officials said.

Vaccinated people do not have to adhere to quarantine protocols after being exposed to the virus, but scientists are still learning more about the infection and should wear masks in public places. More information from clinical trials of the vaccine is needed before health officials know how long protection against the virus will last, Johnson said.

As of March 17, 34,376 Jackson residents had been vaccinated at least once.

Henry Ford Health Systems has given 25,311 first and second vaccinations, with 10,679 reportedly fully vaccinated as of March 18.

“We do a pretty good job in a county of 160,000 people,” Keyeyian said. “I think that’s something we should be proud of. There are so many people who are really working hard. There are so many places in Jackson where you can vaccinate and there are many opportunities for people to vaccinate here. There is. “

In Jackson, some pharmacies CVS, Meyer, Walmart And Rite Aid Currently, reservations are available and vaccinations are provided to eligible residents as long as the supply allows. Several local pharmacies have also begun to shoot in recent weeks, including Genoa Healthcare Pharmacy, Grasslake Community Pharmacy, Weatherwax Pharmacy, Browns / Country Market Pharmacy, and Local Pharmacy.

Jackson’s Martin Luther King Junior Recreation Center is currently hosting a vaccine clinic on Thursday in partnership with Henry Ford Alesian Health. Eligible residents do not need a reservation, but booking should save time and guarantee a place to line up, officials said. Please call 517-788-4067 to make a reservation.

Jackson’s Family health center We also host a mobile clinic. According to Johnson, the organization is actively working to set up clinics in various group homes, shelters, and even homeless or homeless people.

“We want to be able to go to our office, Henry Ford Alliance, or a place for people who can’t come to the health department so that we can offer more opportunities and access. “Yes,” said Johnson. “One of our goals in this community is to provide vaccines to everyone, with or without barriers.”

The COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic is held weekly at the King Center for Jackson residents

Vaccine eligibility was expanded to include residents of Jackson County over the age of 50 on Monday, March 22nd. All Michigan residents over the age of 16 will be vaccinated from Monday, April 5th.

To see Thursday’s Town Hall on the Jackson City Facebook page, click here..

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