State proposals will end Maskman Date for counties with less prevalence of COVID-19 | Colorado Springs News
Colorado’s Maskmandate does not apply to counties with a low incidence of COVID-19 under a proposal released by the State Department of Health on Friday.
“The state’s role in continuing to mandate state-wide restrictions is diminishing, and the role of communities in controlling and controlling viruses is increasing,” the Department of Health wrote.
The proposed changes to the state’s coronavirus dial leave the masking decision to a local leader or a “private sector” in the county qualified for Level Green with the least dial restrictions. Exception: Students between the ages of 11 and 18 are required to continue masking for the rest of the school year.
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The dial has six color-coded levels, generally based on the spread of COVID-19. Green (less restrictive), blue (attention), yellow (concern), orange (high risk), red (severe risk), purple (extreme risk)). Purple corresponds to a localized “stay-at-home order,” as the state saw last spring.
Currently, there are only two Colorado counties on Level Green, Crawley and Otello. All counties except the remaining 16 are currently level blue. El Paso County remains at the yellow level and is not eligible under a proposal to lift the mask requirement. In the Metro Denver area, the counties of Denver, Adams, Douglas, Boulder and Bloomfield are level yellow.
Currently, the county’s weekly population must be less than 15 per 100,000 to qualify for Level Green. Under the proposed criteria, a county with as many as 35 cases may qualify as a level green.
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For counties in other categories, except for the highest level of restrictions, the obligation to mask “remains intact in all indoor public places with more than 10 people,” state officials said in a news release. ..
“All Coloradans commitments allow us to relax restrictions and provide communities and their public health agencies with more control while protecting public health,” said the state. Secretary General Jill Hunsaker Ryan said. The Department of Health said in a statement. “It’s all about balance. While trying to limit the consequences of closing parts of the state and the consequences, we’ve put in place the limits needed to delay the disease.”
The proposed changes will end almost all restrictions under Level Green, including capacity limits mandated by restaurants, personal service providers, retailers, manufacturers, healthcare providers, or the state of outdoor events. The final call for alcohol sales is subject to regional restrictions, as well as their capacity determination.
According to the state’s announcement, the state will no longer limit the size of personal gatherings and will instead follow the “CDC Guidance on Personal Gatherings.”
“The CDC still strongly recommends avoiding large rallies and crowds to prevent the spread of COVID-19,” the state Department of Public Health and Environment wrote.
Under this plan, the remaining level green limits will include a maximum capacity for gyms, bars and indoor events.
For Level Blue counties, the bar can be reopened with 75% capacity. Similar limits for retailers, offices and non-essential manufacturing facilities will be raised from 50% to 75%.
This latest adjustment to the state’s COVID dial was made as the country significantly stepped up its vaccine distribution efforts. On Friday, Colorado opened the vaccine eligibility to 2.5 million residents of various industries, ages, and medical conditions. About a month later, the state will open its eligibility to the entire population a few weeks earlier than the schedule originally set in December.
The state is seeking feedback on the new designation until noon Monday.
The state health department said in a statement announcing the change that the proposal “reflected an increase in the number of COVID-19 vaccinated coronadans,” especially the oldest resident of the state. Nearly 80% of the state’s population over the age of 70 is vaccinated. That age group accounts for the majority of deaths and multiple hospitalizations.
By mid-April, when vaccines became available across the state, the health sector moved further away from top-down guidance, “gradually shifting to a more local model and local public health agencies finer capacity limits. I’m planning to give it control. Currently determined by dial. “
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