COVID-19 Long-haul carriers look forward to drug trials in South Florida | National

Fort Lauderdale, Florida — South Florida drug trials can provide hope for people who cannot get rid of COVID-19 or who suffer from symptoms that last months or even a year after infection.
This drug, called Leron Limab, is used to relieve the suffering of people who are unable to shake the symptoms of COVID. This group is also known as a long-distance carrier while remaining ill, accounting for about 10% of people infected with the virus. They are becoming more and more desperate because scientists cannot explain the mysterious syndrome.
Dr. Norman Gayris, who specializes in arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis in Aventura, is leading a trial approved by the Food and Drug Administration. He expects the medication given by injection into the abdomen to help relieve some or all of the long-term symptoms.
The study is double-blind, so half of the participants take placebo and the other half take the drug. Neither the participants nor Garys know who got which until the end of the trial.
Participants take two pictures of the abdomen once a week for eight weeks. They will come back for observation after 4 weeks.
Melissa Pardo, marketing director at Marco Island, said: “When I learned this, I wanted to get involved right away. I finally felt hopeful.”
Previously healthy, Pard, 34, tested positive for COVID-19 five months after the first onset of fever.
Pald says he caught the virus in November while traveling back and forth between Chicago for work. I had a fever right after the return flight.
When her first symptoms disappeared, a headache began, followed by severe fatigue, amnesia, and confusion. Her COVID-19 test continues to return positive.
Pardo, who is anxious to go back to life, working, using Pelaton, playing in recreational sports leagues, says he didn’t notice the difference two weeks after the trial.
The South Florida trial involves 25 long-haul carriers.
“I hope they react and get results that can treat far more people,” Garys said. If the drug turns out to be successful in relieving symptoms, Garys asks the person who received the placebo to do so. “For some people, COVID goes everywhere in the body — brains, joints, muscles, hearts … it has its own GPS. Very crazy is that everyone who is a long haul carrier To present it differently. “
Symptoms reported by long-haul carriers include fatigue, fog in the brain, shortness of breath, joint pain, difficulty in clear thinking, and even organ damage. Scientists are still trying to find out if these symptoms are directly related to the virus or to an existing condition.
Eli Musser, 42, says his symptoms are debilitating and have been going on for over a year. Masser and his fiancé drove from New York to South Florida in February, hoping to be part of the study. For now, their wedding is on hold while Musser is working on dizziness, muscle aches and shortness of breath.
“I used to go to the gym a couple of days a week. I walked everywhere. Now I can’t lift my groceries,” he said.
So far, Musser has received two treatments as part of the trial and is unaware of the difference.
“I don’t know if I have the actual medicine,” he said. Masser contacted participants in a similar trial in Georgia and said that Leron Limab improved his symptoms.
“We are all looking for hope,” he said.
Some long-haul carriers report that symptoms disappeared or alleviated after vaccination.
Survivor Corps, an online group of people with long-term COVID-19 symptoms, conducted an informal member survey showing the same 216 people after vaccination, with 171 improving their condition and 63 feeling sick. He said it got worse. Researchers want to study this more, suggesting that the placebo effect may be one simple explanation. Another theory suggests that the COVID-19 vaccine may be urging the immune system to remove the virus that is still lurking from the body.
“If we pass the test and there is no change, I will try to take the vaccine,” Masser said. “For now, I take it every day and hope this works.”
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