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Massachusetts reports 1,880 new COVID cases and an additional 29 deaths, as 1,045,167 residents have been fully vaccinated.


Another 1,880 cases COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Massachusetts health officials announced on Saturday that the virus had been confirmed and an additional 29 residents had died from the virus.

So far, at least 5,77,902 inhabitants of Massachusetts have been virus-positive and 16,498 have died through the pandemic, according to Public Health Service data.

Currently, there are 26,433 active virus cases in the state, and the number of active cases has increased for four consecutive days since 25,986 on Friday.

Saturday’s new case is based on 110,659 new molecular tests. According to DPH, the 7-day average of positive tests is 1.99%.

In general, the number of new cases has leveled off after a significant decline in the weeks.

According to DPH, as of Saturday, 588 people were hospitalized for the virus, 152 of whom were in the intensive care unit and 92 were intubated. Like other indicators, hospitalizations have declined since the peak of winter.

As of Saturday, 1,045,167 Massachusetts residents have been fully vaccinated, according to DPH data. So far, a total of 2,863,460 vaccines have been given to residents. The state on Friday has passed a hopeful milestone. Over 1 million residents have been fully vaccinated Against the virus.

Currently DPH is labeling 20 municipalities at high risk of virus spread, Increased from 14 towns and cities last week.

On Monday, the state relaxed COVID-19 travel restrictions and replaced travel orders with travel recommendations.The· Travel self-restraint recommendation If you have been in Massachusetts for more than 24 hours, we recommend that residents enter and leave Massachusetts Quarantine for 10 days, but it is not required.

On Monday, the state will also enter Phase 4 of the COVID Reopening Plan, which will allow stadiums and other large venues to be reopened with a 12% capacity limit after submitting the plan to the state’s Public Health Service. Amusement parks, theme parks, steam rooms, overnight camps, wineries, or even breweries that haven’t sold food yet can be reopened. Under Phase 4, According to the state’s reopening plan.

Total of COVID-19 cases by county:

Barnstable County: 11,146

Berkshire County: 5,119

Bristol County: 57,960

Dukes County: 889

Essex County: 87,031

Franklin County: 2,104

Hampden County: 44,123

Hampshire County: 8,002

Middle Sex County: 117,840

Nantucket County: 1,237

Norfolk County: 48,183

Plymouth County: 42,524

Suffolk County: 81,994

Worcester County: 68,499

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