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Covid US: California variants account for 52% of cases, UK owns Ohio TRIPLES strain

Covid US: California variants account for 52% of cases, UK owns Ohio TRIPLES strain


Coronavirus Subspecies continue to spread throughout the United States, accounting for more and more cases.

CaliforniaHomemade variants known as B.1.427 / B.1.429 now account for more than half of infectious diseases in the state and 20-40 percent of cases elsewhere.

Meanwhile, a British variant known as B.1.1.7 has spread to all states, accounting for nearly 1 in 10 in at least 2 states.

At a press conference on Monday CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Warrensky said measures need to be taken in the light of the varieties until more people are vaccinated.

‘all right. We all want to go back to our daily activities and spend time with family, friends and loved ones. But we have to find the courage to stay there a little longer, “she said.

“We have to act now, and we are worried that if we do not do the right thing now, we will have another avoidable surge.”

Prevalence of all coronavirus variants (both initially detected and homemade) is widespread throughout the United States

At a press conference on Monday (pictured), CDC director Dr. Rochelle Warrensky said measures need to be taken in the light of the mutation until more people can be vaccinated.

At a press conference, Valensky discussed the epidemic of California variants. It was first identified in May 2020 and was virtually non-existent until October.

In a recent study, the University of California, San Francisco examined 2,172 samples of viruses collected throughout California between September 2020 and January 2021.

By January, the new variant accounted for more than 50% of all genetically analyzed coronavirus samples.

Currently, according to Walensky, this variant accounts for 52% of infections in California, 41% in Nevada, and 25% in Arizona.

Dr. Charles Chiu, a professor of laboratory medicine and an infectious disease expert at the University of California, San Francisco, Los Angeles Times The virus appeared to be 19% to 24% more contagious than previous strains.

In a laboratory study conducted at UCSF, researchers analyzed genetic material found in the nasal swabs used to perform coronavirus testing.

They found that B.1.427 / B.1.429 produced twice as much viral load as those caused by other variants.

This suggests that homemade variants are better at copying themselves more quickly after invading the human body and hijacking the machine.

This has not yet been explicitly tested, but high viral load means that people infected with the variant are particularly contagious and may spread the virus more efficiently and effectively. It shows that.

In addition, California variants were more effective at avoiding antibodies naturally produced by the bodies of survivors of COVID-19 or produced by vaccines. The level of antibody produced in response to the California mutant was halved.

On Monday, Walensky revealed that California’s homemade variety, B.1.427 / B.1.429, now accounts for 52% of state cases.

It has also spread to neighboring states, currently accounting for 41% of COVID-19 infections in Nevada and 25% in Arizona.

Valensky also British variant known as, B.1.1.7 Depends on the location of its most important mutation.

It currently accounts for at least 80% of all cases in the United Kingdom, and most estimates are about 70% more infectious than older “wild-type” coronavirus variants.

New Survey On the preprint server, which was released last month, the team has sequenced 500,000 samples of a virus called SARS-CoV-2 that has been tested at the Helix facility since July 2020.

From the week of October 18, 2020, only 0.2% of daily positive cases appeared to be associated with British variants.

The first case was confirmed in the United States on 31 December, indicating that the variant was in the country much earlier than previously believed.

However, it surged in January.

A British variant known as B.1.1.7 is also more prevalent, accounting for 9% of New Jersey coronavirus cases and 8% of Florida cases.

Case linked to B.1.1.7. In Ohio, it tripled in the two weeks from March 7th 33rd to Monday 128th.

National percentage of B 1.1.7. Cases increased from 0.8% of all positive tests in the first week of January 2021 to 3.6% last week.

According to Walensky, B.1.1.7 accounts for 8% of all cases in Florida and 9% in New Jersey.

In addition, Ohio tripled the number of UK variants in the two weeks from March 7th 33rd to Monday 128th.

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine said in a briefing last week, “We are frankly competing in the race and frankly don’t know what the enemy is doing.”

“But by talking to scientists and epidemiologists, we know they believe that variants are widespread in Ohio.”

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