Moby accused of veganism stopping future pandemics
Moby was accused of commenting on Instagram that veganism would put an end to future pandemics.Photo / Getty Images
Moby, real name Richard Melville Hall, has caused a great deal of turmoil on Twitter, claiming that if all humans switch to a vegan diet, there will be no future pandemic like Covid-19.
Moby’s claim has been widely criticized, and everyone from armchair critics to medical professionals refutes his claim.
In a post on Instagram and Twitter, Moby claims that “a pandemic does not occur in the vegan world,” but this is incorrect, adding that “100% of pandemics are zoonotic.” I will. This is only partially correct. .. Many pandemics and epidemics are caused by viruses originating from zoonotic diseases, diseases that leap from animals to humans, but not necessarily by the consumption of animal foods.
Alongside a controversial statement, Moby posted a photo of himself, pointing his right hand at the camera and clearly showing a “v” (which should be assumed to represent vegan) in a circle with a tattoo on his index finger. Was shown.
Bold remarks were immediately hit by Twitter’s backlash. Even fellow vegans were critical of the overly simple and scientifically false statements made by musicians.
“If you don’t have to worry about eating vegan food and apologize for the stupid shit that other vegans always say, it would be terrible,” tweeted one critic.
“You’re a fictional, irresistibly self-righteous vegan stereotype, and everyone hates it except you’re here and you’re real,” tweeted another person. ..
RTI International spoke with to think about Moby’s controversial statement by Richard Reithinger, Vice President of Global Health.
“Consumption of meat and animal products is only one of many ways in which pathogens can spread from animals to humans. Other routes include animal rearing and contamination of food by animal fluids / feces. Ultimately, the reason for the increase in spillover events is the increase in wildlife contact and invasion. This is a sign of resource shortages and population growth. “
Many Twitter commentators have raised the issue that bubonic and pneumonic plague, which swept the world in the 1600s, known to be prevalent by fleas, were carried to mice.
“When it came to vegan, how did the infected fugitives stop biting humans during the plague?” Asked a Twitter user.
While another replied ironically, “Flea also becomes vegan, and mice. It’s just a matter of pointing them hard.”
Other savvy tweets have attracted attention for years on other epidemics that are believed to be unrelated to animal meat consumption.
“Bubonic plague, leptospirosis, SARS, and Zika fever went into chat to slap you,” one critic tweeted.
In addition, some felt the need to point out that animal by-products are used in many life-saving medicines and treatments.
“In the vegan world, there was no vaccine for smallpox. In the vegan world, there was no supply of heparin to save the lives of 100 million people each year,” he read a tweet.
This is not the first time Moby has made similar claims about the power of veganism to change the world. Just a few weeks ago, he posted on Instagram, “Every year, humans kill more than 150 billion animals, causing pandemics, deforestation, climate change, water pollution, cancer, diabetes and heart disease.”
Moby has long been a strong supporter of veganism in tattooing “animal rights” on his arms and “lifelong vegans” on his neck.
Meanwhile, Moby was unable to maintain Little Pine, a vegan restaurant, during the pandemic, and financial pressure forced him to sell his restaurant based in Silver Lake, California.
Staff at the time were critical of Go hit makers and claimed to remain “high and dry” for doing nothing more to protect their income during the Covid blockade. The restaurant, which Moby opened in 2015, has since been reopened with a new owner.
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