Healthcare Professionals Strengthen Safety Message Despite Vaccine Hesitation Among Certain Utah Minorities
Salt Lake City — Vaccines Now Available All Utahns 16+However, local authorities have noticed vaccine hesitation among certain minorities. A Salt Lake woman decided to get vaccinated after overcoming some of her initial concerns.
There are many exciting reasons for the Ocampo family.One of the reasons is the addition of the three-month-old puppy Luna, and Anna’s recent COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Vaccination is different. However, choosing to be vaccinated was not an easy decision for her.
“It has regained fear since the first hit of COVID,” Ocampo said. “You just don’t know what to expect.”
Anna was hesitant to vaccinate between false information about social media and disappointment from her family. “By seeing and hearing it every day, I started to think it might be true, and that made me doubt it,” she said on Facebook about negative comments and myths.
“They were like,’Do you really want to get it?’ You know, like my decision, make me suspicious,” she said.
Marco Verdeja, a community health specialist at Intermountain Healthcare, states that such issues are barriers to access. Some groups.
“There are many access barriers we have seen, along with the language barrier and the misconceptions associated with the lack of access to the correct information, probably due to the lack of direct access to that information,” Verdeja explained. “It takes time to translate that information into Spanish, and that delay can lead to distrust. Historically, this particular group has a history of immigration status that can lead to fear. There is already distrust because of the trauma.
“In the case of Hispanics, a national survey shows that hesitation about vaccines is higher than the average person, about 10 points,” Verdeja said. Recent research..
Verdeja said this is especially true for young Latino demographics. Verdeja emphasizes the notion that “due to age, you may feel that you don’t need it now, but by protecting yourself, you are actually protecting everyone around you.” ..
He said this was especially important in multi-generational homes.
“I have a big family, so the rally is big for us,” Ocamp said.
After investigating, Ocampo eventually decided to fire, even though he was already infected with the virus. “I can’t even explain the pain I experienced,” she detailed the month-long stomach pain she fought after getting COVID-19.
Her interaction with the patient at the LDS Hospital as a food and nutrition service supervisor played a role with her desire to protect her extended family. “It was a big deal for me-my family, and that’s the main reason I decided to do it,” Ocampo said.
Her oldest child, Eliza, has a horseshoe kidney, which increases her risk. Ocampo wanted to do everything he could to protect the people around him. “I will mainly think about my daughter and how it affects her,” she said.
Ocampo said he had only experienced arm pain after being vaccinated by a health care colleague in December. “Do your research. If you have any doubts, talk to your doctor,” she said.
“I also wanted my family to look afraid to live, and if I could, they could,” she said. “And if I need to show them first, and why not?”
Vaccination can give Ocampo a lot of peace of mind knowing that he can interact with others and not have to worry about exposing anyone to the virus or to himself. I was able to do it.
“I’m very happy to have been vaccinated so that we can show them that we’re okay. We can overcome this together,” she added.
Ocampo looks forward to enjoying a normal life with the children again. “Whatever I missed last year, I want to regain that time this year,” she said.
Verjado said the vaccine is inexpensive even if someone is uninsured and can be used by anyone regardless of immigrant status. “These are also the barriers we sometimes hear, so these are the ones you don’t have to worry about with vaccines and you can easily get them,” he confirmed. ..
To register online in Spanish, please visit: Utah Health Department Or, Or call the Coronavirus Hotline at 1-800-456-7707.
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