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A “significant” number of 100 COVID-19 cases associated with Omaha day care identified as a UK variant


Omaha, Nebraska (WOWT)-The Douglas County Health Department said on Friday that more than 100 positive cases of COVID-19 (a “significant number” of British variants) were followed up in day care in northwestern Omaha. And a second outbreak that may be related to the “event” is under investigation.

DCHD was affected by the outbreak of the B.1.1.7 variant in more than half of Rosewood Academy’s childcare and preschool staff and “participants,” and contact tracing studies found that outbreaks occurred in day care. Said that it was confirmed.

Justin FrederickInfectious disease epidemiology supervisors in Douglas County said authorities are working to determine if another possible cluster of positive cases is associated with a UK variant identified in day care. It was. The investigation is still underway, so he couldn’t identify anything about a potential second potential occurrence other than saying that the setting is an “event.”

The Ministry of Health said the outbreak was of particular concern as the UK variant appeared to be more easily prevalent and children were more likely to develop it, with some cases of the variant Confirmed in Douglas County..

“It’s very important to vaccinate the nursery,” said Dr. Adi Pool, director of health. “The nursery is vaccinated and easy to inoculate. Book on the DCHD website.. “

Frederick said the outbreak was not unique to rosewood. It can happen in any type of school.

Friday’s DCHD reiterated the need for health and continuity of these precautions. Government officials It was emphasized throughout the pandemic and encouraged everyone to be vaccinated with COVID-19 when they were eligible.

“We really need to emphasize the importance of childcare workers being vaccinated. DCHD spokesman Phil Rooney said that the walk-in covered by the COVID-19 vaccination is Girls Inc. He said he was welcomed at the clinic on Saturday.

He said the number of positive cases in the community is similar to what the region saw last summer, emphasizing the importance of focusing on prevention.

“We really need to get people who are in a very important position to mark vaccination. The British variant is definitely here and informing us of its existence,” he said. It was.

DCHD is the basis of COVID-19 prevention: washing hands and wearing masks “whenever you are around a stranger, in this case in a nursery”, with everyone, especially children. Reminds the people you work with. The Department of Health also emphasized that “the quarantine and quarantine procedures need to be followed.”

“Keep the mask up. Wash your hands. And if you’re sick, stay home — and getting the vaccine is your first chance,” Rooney said.

One of the three Rosewood Academy locations in Omaha, near 158th Avenue and Fort Street, was marked on Google Maps as “temporarily closed” on Friday afternoon.

The Rosewood Academy may open on Monday after the required 10-day quarantine period has expired, according to Frederick. He said day care is cooperating with health sector investigations and both organizations have worked together to notify infected or potentially infected people.

The Rosewood Academy issued a statement Friday afternoon, stating that the outbreak was contained only in a location in northwestern Omaha that had been closed since March 18. In contrast to the CDC’s recommended 100.4 degree threshold, releases go home if they show a fever above 99 degrees. “

“The health and safety of children, families and staff is a top priority for the Rosewood Academy Child Care and Preschool. The spread of UK (UK) variants at the Rosewood Academy matches where it resides. It spreads more easily and makes children more susceptible. Prevention procedures and protocols are the same as for other variants of the virus, with a thorough screening process, hand washing, staff, children and family. I am using the cleaning procedure.

Before closing the northwestern location on March 18, the Rosewood Academy exceeded the requirements of public health professionals and brought children home if they had a fever of more than 99 degrees, not the requirement of 100.4. Sent. The difficulty of the highly contagious British variant is that children are often asymptomatic during the daily temperature screening procedure.

With rigorous procedures and cautious practices, for over a year navigating the pandemic, with Rosewood Academy Child Care, until British variants cause much of the COVID-19 infection involving northwestern staff and children. Locations where all three preschool locations remained open without interruption. Occurrence is limited to one location.

The Rosewood Academy Child Care and Preschool continues to work closely and actively with the Douglas County Health Department and their families. Family members and staff receive ongoing communication and guidance on quarantine requirements before returning to Rosewood Academy and Preschool. Staff are expected to continue to report symptoms of COVID and must meet the quarantine requirements outlined by the Douglas County Health Department after a positive test result, which has always been a procedure since the arrival of the virus. The Rosewood Academy Child Care and Preschool will continue to work closely with the Douglas County Health Department to monitor this situation and encourage families and staff to vaccinate as soon as possible. “

Looney said the exact way the British variant arrived in Douglas County is not yet known, but the trip is often how it happens.

“There is a saying in the health department that the next outbreak or next pandemic is just to fly,” he said. “People travel around the world, all over the country. That’s great, but there are some things we need to be aware of.”

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Clarification: According to a DCHD spokesman, in earlier versions of this story, all cases related to the Rosewood Academy were identified as British variants, but some were not. It was.

Copyright 2021 WOWT. all rights reserved.


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