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My identity was stolen to sell ineffective diet drugs

My identity was stolen to sell ineffective diet drugs



Kathleen, a woman in her mid-60s, was found to have been targeted by Facebook ads, scammed, and paid nearly $ 500. I was indignant. I posted a warning on my social media account, alerted my followers, warned ABC, called the medical compensation team and contacted Scamwatch.

Unfortunately, if someone steals your identity and uses it to sell weight loss products, you’ve found that there’s little you can do.

I experienced a strange range of emotions, but my own irritation and irritation was not comparable to the anxiety and anger felt by the people who emailed me.

Targeted advertising campaigns are effective because they appeal to our vulnerabilities. You may be keen on losing weight, but it’s embarrassing to talk to your doctor about it – a quick weight loss solution in the form of a pill bottle may seem like the answer, but a scam It’s a dangerous business without it.

The ketogenic diet that my face was selling was tied to one of the most popular and trendy diets today, the ketogenic diet. It involves eating large amounts of protein and fat, but eating very small amounts of carbohydrates to induce ketosis. There your body breaks down fat to produce ketones for energy.

One of the ads.

One of the ads.

It is common to lose weight after starting keto, but it is difficult to continue a diet for long periods of time. Therefore, as with many diets, it is difficult to control lost weight. The ketopil that my face was selling is intended to help this process take place. However, the reasoning behind them is flawed.

Linda Cumines, a certified dietitian, said: How can I burn more fat with the addition of ketones? It is your body that must produce ketones to lose weight. Instead, your body uses the pill as its energy source, leaving your stored fat exactly where it is.

Mandy-Lee Noble is a certified dietitian who has been studying diet for years. When asked if a trendy diet or diet pill will succeed, she won’t beat around the bushes. Diet is essentially useless. “

It may seem daunting to hear this from a nutritionist, but Mandy Lee says it’s not our fault.

It takes time and effort to lose weight. To stop it, we need a permanent lifestyle change.

But when Two-thirds of Australian adults If you are overweight or obese, a significant proportion of the population is looking at diet or weight loss products, but there are few regulations.

The Australian Dietitian Association says that almost half of Australian adults 2017 Although they tried to lose weight the previous year, almost half of these people were spending money on diets and weight loss products.

While popular diets are designed to captivate people with all sorts of exotic vegetables, “superfoods” and timed dietary rituals, Mandilly says the Fad diet is a lasting health. He emphasized that it is a quick short-term tool, not a long-term plan for weight loss in response to social pressure to lose weight. Some of the better known include the ketogenic diet, but also the pareo, Atkins, and intermittent fasting diets. Some diets are a little more staying. One of the most preferred diets in the medical community is the Mediterranean.

The best advice is basic advice. Exercise regularly, eat a wide variety of vegetables, and avoid overeating. Of course, other factors include past medical history, medication, metabolism, income, genetics, environment, exercise, general relationship with food, and your motivation. However, there is no miraculous solution for weight loss.


Guidance from a dietitian or exercise physiologist can help you monitor your weight and fitness levels, be accountable, provide a professional perspective, and provide evidence-based information. This is a much better approach than trying to do it yourself, and if you scrape it slowly, steadily, and consistently, you’re more likely to lose weight in the long run.

And when I see my face selling natural weight loss pills, it’s pretty safe to conclude that my identity has been stolen again.

This is an edited excerpt from Counterfeit medicine Dr. Brad McKay (Hachette Australia), RRP $ 32.99

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