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“There are limits to experimentation and reporting, but there is growing suspicion about the effectiveness of the drug.”

There was a lot of publicity even shared by the US President. But the largest study of its kind, published yesterday, has found no benefit from the malaria drug previously advertised as a potential treatment. COVID 19. It was associated with more deaths than saved lives.

A US government-funded analysis of how US military veterans responded to hydroxychloroquine was posted on a medical website but has not yet been peer reviewed.

On April 7, US President Trump threatened Indian politicians with “retaliation” for India if it did not release its inventory of what it called “game changers” in its fight against Covid-19. This was the day after India banned the mass production of hydroxychloroquine.

Although experiments and reports are limited, there is growing suspicion about the effectiveness of the drug, which was strongly promoted by US President Donald Trump and news channel Fox News.

Researchers analyzed the medical records of 368 veterans who were hospitalized nationwide in the United States and were discharged or discharged by April 11. The mortality rate for patients with hydroxychloroquine was 28%. French scientist Didier Laurte’s March study has raised interest in drugs worldwide.

The mortality rate for people who received only standard treatment without drugs was 11%.

Hydroxychloroquine, with or without azithromycin, was more likely to be prescribed to patients with more severe symptoms, but in this study, higher levels were observed even after statistically adjusting for higher usage. It turns out that the mortality rate persists.

As another limitation, this study involved not randomly assigning people to groups. This is a retrospective analysis, so it was a review of what happened already.

The population, the US military veterans were very specific, so it is difficult to generalize the results. Most were men over the age of 65, and blacks were overly affected by underlying illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease.

Studies to date have shown it to be a dangerous drug for patients with certain heart rhythm problems, with blackouts, seizures, and, in the worst case, even cardiac arrest being cited as side effects.

Hydroxychloroquine and related compounds, chloroquine, have been used for decades in the treatment of malaria, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis.

They have received considerable attention during the Covid-19 pandemic and have been shown in lab settings to block the virus from entering the cell and prevent it from replicating. However, in the pharmaceutical industry, “in vitro” commitments do not always lead to “in vivo” or actual success.

The final response can only be determined through a very large randomized clinical trial that assigns patients to receive either the drug under investigation or placebo.

Source: AFP

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