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Encephalitis black bear seems to be seeking help in El Dorado

Encephalitis black bear seems to be seeking help in El Dorado


Last month, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife called on a small black bear that was reported to have appeared in Pollock Pines, El Dorado County, not to mention fearless behavior around humans. I started receiving it.

Ann NBC News The black bear was reportedly slow-moving and a little afraid of people. That is, all screams and applause were reported not to intimidate the animals.

Contrary to the instructions of the Wildlife Service, residents began feeding bears with fruit and water.

At some point, black bears jumped into the trunk of a housekeeper’s open car, stimulating attempts to approach it and take care of pets, officials said.

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Science Times-A seemingly friendly and fearless black bear appears in El Dorado County around humans

(Photo: Wikimedia Commons Yathin S Krishnappa)
Veterinarians investigating bear disease said the virus detected in some of the affected bears was not harmful to humans.

Behavior of Asiatic black bear

TheĀ· National Audubon Society And usually, black bears are shy and avoid people unless they are forced to be around humans to get close to food sources.

When biologists at a California agency began investigating Pollock Pines bears, they declared the animal a bear.

The bear weighed only about 21 pounds when taken to the government agency Wildlife Research Institute. Similarly, old healthy bears need about 80 pounds, according to experts.

The agency explained that the bear shook his head intermittently in the laboratory and held it at an angle. After a week of testing, the animals had to be placed down.

Bear “encephalitis”

According to the Wildlife Service, an autopsy confirmed that the black bear suffers from an inflammation of the brain called encephalitis.

It turns out that it is the third bear that suffers from the disability and has appeared in the lab within the last 12 months. Since then, a fourth bear with similar symptoms has been reported to have been euthanized in Humboldt County.

Encephalitis can result from viruses, parasites, fungi, microbes, and genetically inherited autoimmune symptoms. Wildlife officials have not found the cause of swelling in the bear’s brain.

They also said that it cannot be ruled out whether affected bears could pose a health risk to other animals.

Expert advice

Jamie Sherman, a veterinarian investigating bear disease One Health Institute at the University of California The virus detected in some of the affected bears said it was harmless to humans.

If he encounters a bear advised by a shaman, he needs to calm down and retreat. Also, if the bear was found looking for food in a forest hut, the veterinarian recommended cleaning the bear with a 10% bleach solution.

That way, when cleaning the bear, you should wear gloves and a face shield in case of sprayback.

In addition, if you see a bear exhibiting unusual behavior, the best way to help is to notify the authorities immediately about wildlife.

According to Dr. Brandon Munch, a wildlife veterinarian in the Wildlife Department, it is impossible to send a sick bear back to the wild.

He explained that zoos and wildlife sanctuaries require significant medical care and can be difficult to care for for the rest of their lives.

The black bear, commonly found in most parts of North America, is not considered an endangered species, the news report identifies.

Related reports are shown in the Becky Moore YouTube video below.

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Check out more news and information about animal Science Times.


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