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New research shows why teeth become cold-sensitive and how to stop it

New research shows why teeth become cold-sensitive and how to stop it


  • Many people have teeth that are sensitive to cold foods and drinks
  • Until now it was unclear why this was the case
  • New research shows how certain sensors found in teeth cause hypersensitivity to cold

You chew your favorite popsicles and chilly waves of pain reach your brain directly from your teeth. This is a familiar scene for many of us.

If you experience this sensation when eating ice cream or drinking cold drinks, it means that you are suffering from cold-sensitive teeth.Previously, the mechanism behind this was not well understood, but recently Survey We have clarified why people have this susceptibility and how it can be prevented.

What causes your teeth to feel cold?

Tooth pain can occur for a variety of reasons, including tooth decay and gum erosion, but the researchers in this study found that odontoblasts (the cells beneath the tooth enamel) are experienced by cold-sensitive people. We have discovered that it plays an important role in certain types of pain. ..

In mice and humans, odontoblasts contain cold-sensitive proteins that can be detected by using an ion channel called Previous researchResearchers have found that TRPC5 is extremely sensitive to cold, but have not been able to pinpoint exactly where in the body its ability to detect this cold works.

“”[At that point] It’s a dead end, “said Catalina Zimermann, who led the investigation. It was later that the team thought that their teeth were part of their body and also felt cold while having lunch.

Mouse as a research subject

The team conducted a study on mice. Some mice were normal, while others lacked TRPC5 or had their teeth immersed in a special solution.

Researchers observed neural activity in mice while applying an ice-cold solution to their teeth. In normal mice, neural activity was triggered after the cold solution touched the teeth, but in mice without TRPC5 and in mice in which the teeth were soaked in solution to block ion channels, the opposite was true. It was.

“We found that the odontoblasts that support the shape of the teeth are also responsible for sensing cold,” said Jochen Lennerz, one of the senior authors of the treatise.

“We now have conclusive evidence that the temperature sensor TRCP5 transmits cold air through odontoblasts, ignites nerves, and causes pain and sensitivity to cold. This cold sensitivity causes damaged teeth. May be a body way to protect against additional injuries. ”

The team also noted that their study could help develop drug therapies targeting cold sensors to eliminate toothache and tooth hypersensitivity caused by low temperatures.

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