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2021 First Day Guide: From COVID to Crown Vision

2021 First Day Guide: From COVID to Crown Vision



Kansas City, Missouri — Fans will be on the stand for the first time since 2019 when the Royals begin the 2021 Major League Baseball season at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, Missouri.

How teams limit capacity with the COVID-19 pandemic Fans will notice some changes When they participate in the game directly this season. This is the 41 Action News Guide for Royals Opening Day 2021.

Game information:

  • Game time: Thursday, April 1, 2021 3:10 pm


  • Fans must purchase a parking pass in advance. The pass was not sold at the gate in 2021.
  • Tailgate is only allowed in the group’s pods just behind the vehicle.
  • The parking lot is divided into zones, closest to the entrance to the stadium where fans are seated.


  • Fans must purchase a ticket in advance. There is no box office on the day of the match.
  • Tickets must be digital / mobile accessible with the MLB Ballpark app.

Bag policy:

  • In 2021, the Royals will no longer allow fans to bring in larger bags and food as they always have.
  • No bag is bigger than a 4 “x 6” clutch.
  • The new bag policy aims to reduce contact and interaction between guests and stadium staff.

Game Day Experience:

  • In 2021, all cash registers in Kauffman Stadium became cashless. You must use a credit card, debit card, gift card, or telephone payment option.
  • The stadium has a reverse ATM where you can deposit cash and receive gift cards.
  • Fans should always wear face covers in the stadium, except when actively eating and drinking.
  • Blocked by seats and pods. Each pod is at least 6 feet away from each other.
  • Staff used cable ties to fold and keep the unsold seats closed.

New safety nets and foul poles:

CrownVision Upgrade:

  • Kauffman Stadium is currently home to the highest HDR-enabled screens in all MLB (and NFL).
  • CrownVision, video board past the center field Received the first major upgrade Since its installation in 2008.
  • The screen has a high dynamic range. This means that you can provide your fans with a crisp image.
  • CrownVision can now display over a billion different colors.
  • The Royals have also installed a brand new video screen in the Left Hall of Fame.
  • In addition, the team has upgraded two video scoreboards on the outfield wall.

Team store:

  • Collectable pins, baseball and T-shirts for the opening round are on sale at the Royals Team Store in Kauffman Stadium.
  • In 2021, the store will offer a $ 40 mystery bag. The two bags are not the same. Only after purchasing a bag will customers know what the combination of apparel, headwear, novelties and other specialty products looks like.
  • The team store has also expanded its exclusive line of T-shirts known as the K Collection with Homage. Over 20 new designs represent current and previous players and a variety of vintage logos.
  • We are currently selling face masks with the Royals logo.
  • Due to COVID-19, the store capacity is limited and cash is not accepted.


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