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April 3 COVID-19 Update: No Death, 5,504 Vaccinations, 280 New Cases, 190 Recovery

April 3 COVID-19 Update: No Death, 5,504 Vaccinations, 280 New Cases, 190 Recovery


Reported vaccine

Saskatchewan received an additional 5,504 COVID-19 vaccines, bringing the total number of vaccines given in the state to 214,246.

The 5,504 COVID-19 vaccines reported today were administered in the following regions: Far Northwest (11), Northwest (283), Saskatoon (1,854), Central East (1,035), Regina (1,318), South Central (462), Southwest (383) and Southeast (158).

The COVID-19 vaccine reservation system currently includes residents over the age of 58. Eligible residents are advised to book the COVID-19 vaccine online or by phone. For details on how to make a reservation, please see the following URL.

One-fifth of Saskatchewan’s inhabitants in their 80s are currently vaccinated for the second time and are fully vaccinated.

Status of priority population vaccination as of April 1, 2021



First dose

Second dose

LTC Resident


7,709 (92%)

6,277 (75%)

PCH resident


4,941 (116%)

3,240 (76%)

80 years old and over


41,290 (80%)

10,738 (21%)

70-79 years old


51,145 (64%)

4,821 (6%)

Phase 1 healthcare professional
(Including LTC and PCH staff)


25,492 (63%)

16,872 (42%)

For a list of Saskatchewan’s first and second doses managed by geographic zone, please visit:

AstraZeneca cargo from the United States has arrived and has been distributed. The remaining doses for the Moderna shipment on March 22 will arrive on April 3 (7,200) and April 7 (1,400).

Vaccination information added to the COVID-19 dashboard

On Monday, April 5, the Ministry of Health will release a new dashboard detailing vaccinations in the state, including first and second doses given by age group. In preparation for the launch of a new dashboard, the ministry will update the reporting system used for vaccination information. Due to this transition, vaccine data will be unavailable on Sunday, April 4th.

Daily COVID-19 statistics

There are 280 new cases of COVID-19 reported in Saskatchewan on April 3, bringing the total to 34,323 cases across the state.

There are no new deaths to report today. The total number of deaths was falsely reported yesterday as 437, but it should be 436 because it was previously falsely reported.

New cases are located in Far Northwest (6), Far North East (1), North West (18), North Central (3), North East (11), Saskatoon (51), Central West (1) Central. East (10), Regina (127), Southwest (6), South Central (20), and Southeast (24) zones. Two new cases have pending residence information. One case has been assigned to the northwest (1) zone. There are a total of 31,744 recovery and 2,143 cases are considered active.

189 people are hospitalized. 147 are inpatient: Far Northeast (1), Northwest (9), North Central (2), Saskatoon (41), Central East (12), Regina (72), South Central (1), South East (9). Forty-two people are in the intensive care unit: North Central (2), Saskatoon (9), Central East (2), Regina (26), South Central (3).

The 7-day average of new cases daily is 220 (17.9 new cases per 100,000). A graph comparing today’s average with the data collected over the past few months is available on the Saskatchewan Government website.

There were 3,336 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on April 2, 2021.

To date, 677,547 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan. As of March 31, 2021, when figures for other states and countries were available, the per capita rate for Saskatchewan was 563,795 tests per million people. The national percentage was 730,689 tests performed per million people. The health center website has not been updated and the last available number is as of March 31st.

Note: Variants of concern (VOCs) are beginning to rise in southern Saskatchewan, especially in the Moose Jaw and Weyburn regions. Residents of these areas are required to adhere to the best personal protective equipment.

Wear a mask in all public places, including all workplaces

Wash non-medical masks daily

Maintain physical distance

Wash your hands frequently

Reduce activity outside the home. Order takeaway or curbside pickups. If you can work from home, please work from home at this point.

Avoid all unnecessary movements between Moosejaw and Weiburn.

All Saskatchewan residents need to monitor cases operating in their area and adjust their activities accordingly. Active and new case information for each area can be found at:

If you have any symptoms, stay home and arrange for a COVID-19 test. If someone in the house has symptoms, the entire house should be left at home until the test results are available. Test information is available at the following URL:

As of April 2, screening in Saskatchewan identified 2,226 subspecies of concern: Far Northeast (2) Northwest (1), North Central (16), Saskatoon (117), Central West ( 12), reported centrally. East (32), Regina (1,578), Southwest (7), South Central (173), South East (157) zones. There are 131 cases in which the area of ​​residence is pending.

Although these were previously reported as “estimated positives,” all screening tests are considered confirmed VOCs for public reporting and contact research purposes.

The new strain results reported today are zero. Of the 949 VOCs with strains identified by Saskatchewan whole genome sequencing, 941 are B1.1.1.7 (UK) and eight are B1.351 (SA). The Regina Zone accounts for 802 (84 percent) of confirmed strain-identified VOC cases in Saskatchewan.

These VOCs may have been initially identified by means other than screening (ie, selection of whole-genome sequences without screening), and the screening results will include whole-genome sequence results to identify strains. be careful.

Variants of identified concern cases may appear in both columns of the website, depending on the testing of that case. Adding cases identified by screening and cases that have undergone whole-genome sequencing can result in double counting of individual cases.

Total number of health care workers, breakdown of total cases by source of infection, age, gender, region, total number of tests to date, per capita test rate, and current number of confirmed variants of concern Detailed statistics can be found at:

Public health measures

The State Public Health Order announced on Tuesday, March 9 and the Regina and Regional Amendments announced on Tuesday, March 24, are valid until April 12, 2021 and will be reviewed at that time.

Due to the increased risk of COVID-19 infection in Regina and the region, the revisions made on March 24 include: All restaurants and licensed facilities must be closed for direct dining. Also, most event venues with 30 people or less are not allowed to operate.

We also do not recommend traveling inside or outside the Regina area unless absolutely necessary. It is highly recommended that anyone who can work from home in the Regina area do so.

For more information on current public health measures, please visit:

Keep Easter Celebration Safe

All residents of Saskatchewan are required to keep their Easter weekend safe and comply with public health recommendations and measures. Consider virtualizing your gathering and keep your Easter egg hunt only in your immediate home.

With the exception of the Regina area, private indoor meetings should be 2-3 households and cannot exceed 10 people.

In the city of Regina and its territories, all indoor personal gatherings are limited to households close to you. Individuals living alone and single parents of minor children are allowed to visit a consistent household of less than five people.

If you’re outside the Regina area and a consistent home bubble is safely gathering, pre-purchase Easter Supper groceries and have only one home shopping member. One person should wear a non-medical mask and prepare food and drink according to the appropriate food safety protocol. All food offered must be plated alone. Alternatively, consider delivering individual pieces from a restaurant or catering company.

If someone in your household feels sick with the mildest symptoms, do not continue planning and seek a COVID-19 test immediately.

We do not recommend traveling inside or outside the Regina area unless absolutely necessary. Non-required trips, including interstate trips, are highly discouraged.

Places of worship must follow current guidelines available at the following URL:

General COVID-19 information

For inquiries from the general public [email protected]..

I know your risk. Keep yourself and others safe. Your risk..

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