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Pitt will add 48 new COVID-19 cases since Thursday

Pitt will add 48 new COVID-19 cases since Thursday


pit Added Between Friday and Monday last week, there were 48 new COVID-19 cases consisting of 46 students and 2 employees, and currently 94 students are quarantined.University Previous case reportCovered from last Tuesday to Thursday, 54 cases were included.

This is the second case report since Pitt Shift to a high-risk attitude Shelter-in-place was launched and arrived after the Allegheny County Health Department and state health authorities continued to report high cases.according to Hospital data edited by The New York TimesApproximately 82% of ICU beds in the Pittsburgh area are currently occupied, compared to 78% for the state as a whole and 70% for the whole country. UPMC Shadyside has 88% capacity and the remaining 24 ICU beds.

The COVID-19 Medical Response Department said the number of cases of COVID-19 continues to grow and a new one-day case record is set on Friday 28th. The Secretariat also said that the spread of the case appeared to be contained in a “small pocket” in the dormitory, and contact tracing did not reveal a “clear connection” between these infected groups. CMRO said certain dormitory lounges will remain open during the shelter-in-place period to combat loneliness and conflicts with roommates.

The office said they were changing their surveillance testing strategy. The university has stopped this randomized surveillance test because they said few students would accept invitations to the randomized test. Instead, the test site is open to asymptomatic students who wish to take the test without asking questions. The test is available Wednesday from 10am to 2pm at Posvar Hall. The email states that CMRO has responded to the current virus trends by offering “enhanced intensive testing” next week as well, asking them to take the test if invited.

“We are alerting. The current spread is endangering our campus and the surrounding communities,” the email said. “Take a test, cover your face, wash your hands, practice physical distance, and follow the shelter-in-place protocol.”

CMRO advised people who received the COVID-19 vaccine to take it and not wait until Pitt was vaccinated further. For those who have been vaccinated, CMRO is still pandemic, many have not yet been vaccinated, and there is still uncertainty about COVID-19 infection after vaccination. He said he needed to be vigilant.

The university has been positive for 1,264 students and 230 employees since June 26, and so far 1,170 students and 222 employees have recovered.

Currently, there are 94 students isolated in their homes or in isolated homes in the pits. This quarantine home is reserved for those with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection. There are a total of about 300 isolation beds in the pit.

I have a pit Implemented a systematic and random testing strategy, Tests hundreds of students every Monday and Wednesday. Of the 242 students tested last Wednesday, 7 were positive, increasing the prevalence of pits from 0.72% to 0.83%.

The university has implemented various new policies for the spring semester pandemic, but some community members question whether safeguards are sufficient. Students must have a negative COVID-19 test before returning to campus and were urged to evacuate to their designated location for at least 7 days before moving in. Upon entering the campus, students announced that it would be safe to move around the campus for at least 10 days or CMRO. During this time, the students were able to attend the class.I also have a pit plan Student tests to monitor the spread of the virus, Mandatory Students, faculty and staff complete and impose COVID-19 training Strict penalties for violations of health guidelines..

Student Vice-President and Dean Kenion Bonner said student organizations hosting parties and events could face suspensions, and students hosting large parties could be suspended. Stated. Campus students attending large parties can suspend their home during the semester. Students living off-campus will also be unable to switch to persona non grata status and enter university buildings and facilities.

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