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Deadly Bat Disease Warning Issued in South Australia

Deadly Bat Disease Warning Issued in South Australia


In South Australia, bats are being urged to stay away after two confirmed cases of a fatal “rabies-like” illness. This was first detected in SA in almost 10 years.

Public health warns people heading outdoors to avoid contact with bats after two exposures in South Australia were confirmed to be associated with the deadly Australian bat lyssavirus (ABL) -carrying bat last month. An alarm has been issued.

People were exposed to bats and provided preventative treatment, but did not get sick.

Dr. Louise Flood, director of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Infectious Disease Control Branch, said the exposure was the third confirmed ABL in SA bats and was first detected in 2012.

“ABL is a rabies-like illness that can infect humans if bitten or scratched by an infected bat. If treatment is delayed until after the onset of symptoms, the condition is always fatal.” Said Dr. Flood.

“Usually only 1% of bats have ABL, but these two recent exposures are of concern and that bats should only be treated by properly trained and vaccinated animal handlers. Please do not forget.

“The development of ABL from bat bites and scratches can be prevented by prompt wound management and post-exposure prophylaxis, but it is important to avoid contact in the first place.”

Dr. Mary Kerr, Chief Veterinary Officer of the Department of Primary Industry and Region, said that exposure of bats to ABL is a concern not only for humans but also for other animals, and pet owners say that animals do not come into contact with bats. I said I need to.

“If you notice bats around your house, move your pet indoors or elsewhere until the bats are gone to make sure the animals are physically separated,” Dr. Kerr said.

“If you suspect that an animal has been bitten or scratched by a bat, please contact your local veterinarian or the 1800 675 888 Emergency Animal Disease Hotline.”

In 2020, there were nine exposures of bats and humans to SA requiring prophylactic treatment, including rabies vaccine and rabies immunoglobulin, and in 2021, eight treatments were required.

If you are bitten or scratched by a bat, or if you come in contact with bat saliva, you should take immediate action in the following ways:

• Clean the area with soap and water for at least 5 minutes

• Applying a disinfectant such as povidone iodine

• Contact your doctor or hospital emergency department and start a post-exposure prophylaxis course if necessary

If you come across a bat that appears dead, injured, or suffering, please contact Fauna Rescue SA’s Bat Helpline (8486 1139) or Bat Rescue SA (0475 132 093).


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