Early findings show that new drugs have the potential to be “breakthroughs” in the treatment of brain tumors.Cancer research
Two of the deadly types of advanced brain tumors in Parliamentarian Tessa Jowell responded well in small trials to combinations of chemotherapeutic and immunotherapeutic agents. In some cases, the life-threatening tumor seems to have disappeared.
Laboratory doctor cancer Research and the Royal Marsden Hospital in London warned that this was a very early study, but said it was rare for patients to respond so well in early trials.
Ten patients were enrolled in a phase I trial called Ice-Cap. They had advanced glioblastoma. This is a brain tumor similar to the one that killed Bo, the son of US President Joe Biden.
Two of the patients responded to the combination of the immunotherapeutic agents atezolizumab and ipatasertib. Most of the patients enrolled in the study had a tumor with a defective gene called Pten. And in four cases, including two who responded very well, the Pten gene did not work at all.
Ipatasertib blocks a molecule called Akt. Scientists who presented their findings at the American Association for Cancer Research’s annual meeting say that Akt-related growth signals are used by cancers in which the functional Pten gene does not grow and spread. This explains why patients with Pten deficiency benefit most from this combination.
Hamishmikura, 59, from West Sussex, saw the tumor disappear from the scan. He was diagnosed with glioblastoma in August 2018 and was referred to Royal Marsden for treatment, including surgical chemotherapy and radiation therapy at St. George’s Hospital. He participated in the Ice-Cap trial when the treatment stopped working and the cancer began to grow in August 2019. Twenty months later, Hamish has no visible cancer.
“The emotional journey I’ve taken over the last few years has been dramatic, and given the seriousness of my diagnosis, it’s amazing that I’m still here,” he said. “In fact, a few months after the trial, my cancer seemed to start growing again, so I felt like I had lost all hope. But with surgery, the growth actually attacked the tumor. It turned out to be inflammation caused by the drug to do – they were working. Since then, I’ve been in a great position on scans showing that my cancer is stable.
Dr. Juanita Lopez, the leader of this study, said: “Brain tumors can evade the immune system in a complex way, and immunotherapy has not worked so far. However, by using a new drug called ipatasertib to break the cloaking of the disease, the study , Suggests that some brain tumors may be vulnerable to atezolizumab.
“We believe our findings open the door to further development of potential breakthrough treatment options for some patients with invasive glioblastoma brain tumors. He has a very low survival rate and even fewer new treatment options, so progress in outcomes is welcome. “
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