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CDC Study Discovers Racial and Ethnic Disparities in COVID-19 Hospitalization: What’s New in CoronavirusExBulletin

CDC Study Discovers Racial and Ethnic Disparities in COVID-19 Hospitalization: What’s New in CoronavirusExBulletin


A study by the two Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, published on Monday, sheds new light on racial and ethnic disparities in hospitalizations and emergency visits associated with COVID-19 last year.

Break Nissen / Boston Globe via Getty Images

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Break Nissen / Boston Globe via Getty Images

A study by the two Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, published on Monday, sheds new light on racial and ethnic disparities in hospitalizations and emergency visits associated with COVID-19 last year.

Break Nissen / Boston Globe via Getty Images

A few days after declaring racism a serious public health threat, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published two studies further quantifying the imbalanced effects of COVID-19 on the color community. Did.

Study published on Monday Weekly morbidity and mortality reportsInvestigate trends in racial and ethnic disparities in hospitalization and emergency room visits related to COVID-19 in 2020.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said in a regular White House COVID-19 response team briefing that the new literature emphasizes the need to prioritize health equity, including the country’s accelerating vaccine deployment. I did.

“These disparities weren’t caused by a pandemic, but they do. [it]”The disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on the pandemic and its color community is only the latest and most obvious example of health inequality that threatens our health,” Warensky said.

After evaluating the discharge data from March to December 2020 CDC found The proportion of inpatients with COVID-19 was highest among Hispanic and Latino patients in all four US census areas.

Racial and ethnic disparities were most pronounced between May and July, and diminished during the pandemic process as hospitalizations increased among non-Hispanic whites, he said. However, such disparities continued nationwide as of December, especially among Hispanic patients in the west.

The findings are based on previous studies of racial and ethnic disparities in COVID-19 hospitalization and show how they have changed across regions over time.

Researchers have pointed out two drivers of disproportionate hospitalization between these minority groups. The risk of exposure to the virus is high and the risk of serious illness is high. They said that differences in exposure risk associated with occupational and housing conditions, as well as socio-economic conditions, are likely to be behind the demographic patterns they observed.

“Specific social determinants of health (eg, access to health care, occupational and work status) that contribute to the geographical and temporal differences in racial and ethnic disparities in COVID-19 infection and deterioration of health status. , Housing instability, and transportation challenges) are of particular importance. ”A better understanding of these factors at the local level will help coordinate strategies for preventing disease and allocating resources. He added that there is a possibility.

The· Second study A survey of COVID-19-related emergency department visits in 13 states between October and December found similar disparities between racial and ethnic groups.

During that period, Hispanics and Native Americans or Alaskas were 1.7 times more likely than whites and 1.4 times more likely to seek care.

Researchers have found that these racial and ethnic groups are in good health, with restricted access to quality medical care and disproportionate expressions in “essential” jobs that are inflexible for vacations and remote work. He also pointed out that it is also affected by many years of systematic inequality that affects people.

“Racism and discrimination shape these factors that affect health risk. Racism, not race or race, is the main driver of these health inequality,” they explain. did.

Such inequality increases the risk of exposure, can delay medical treatment, further increases the risk of serious illness outcomes and the need for emergency medical care.

Looking to the future, researchers use their findings to prioritize vaccines and other resources for imbalance-affected communities to reduce the need for emergency care. Said that it can be done. Valensky also emphasized the implications of new research on the country’s pandemic response.

“This information and ongoing monitoring data from states across the country underscore the important need and opportunity to address health equity as a central element of all our public health activities. “She said.

A New push To address such inequality, it is currently underway at the CDC, which declared racism “a serious public health threat that directly affects the well-being of millions of Americans” late last week. ..

Walensky has instructed the agency’s department to develop an intervention next year and measure health outcomes. Also, in addition to the $ 2.25 billion previously allocated for COVID-19 testing in high-risk, poorly serviced communities, 3 billion to support efforts to increase equity and access to vaccines. Dollars were offered. CDC also Racism and health A web portal to promote education and dialogue on the subject.

One area of ​​particular focus is ensuring that the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine across the United States reaches the most devastated communities.

According to data to date, blacks make up about 12% of the country’s population, but only 8.4% of those who take at least one dose. She also identified 18% of the country as Hispanic or Latino, while accounting for only 10.7% of vaccinated people.

A briefing official on Monday noted that 120 million Americans were vaccinated, highlighting further progress in the shootout. Forty-six percent of adults have been vaccinated at least once and 28% have been fully vaccinated. And in just one week, all adults are eligible to sign up for a booking.

Andy Slavit, Senior Advisor to the White House’s COVID-19 response team, said: “Make an appointment today, and if you have someone in your life, especially a senior who hasn’t been shot yet, reach out and see the help they need.”

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