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Studies Link Early Cannabis Use to Heart Disease, Health News, ET Health World

Studies Link Early Cannabis Use to Heart Disease, Health News, ET Health World
Studies Link Early Cannabis Use to Heart Disease, Health News, ET Health World


Studies Link Early Cannabis Use to Heart Diseasesmoking Cannabis May increase risk of developing at a young age Heart disease Lately, the second half of life University of Guelph Research.

In the first study examining specific risk indicators of Cardiovascular disease (CVD) young, Healthy cannabis users, Researchers have discovered subtle but potentially significant changes in heart and artery function.

Smoking affects cardiovascular health and is known to cause changes in blood vessels and the heart. Despite increasing cannabis use in Canada and abroad, little is known about the impact of cannabis smoking on long-term CVD risk. Cannabis is the most commonly used recreational substance in the world after alcohol.

“Cannabis is really widely used as an entertaining substance around the world, and it’s becoming more and more so,” said the Institute for Human Performance and Health, which is part of the Human Health and Nutrition Science Department (HHNS). Christian Cheung, a doctoral student, said. .. “Scientists aren’t doing that research with cannabis.”

Cheung is the lead author of this study and was recently published in the Journal of Applied Physiology. His co-authors were Dr. Jamie Vardy and Dr. Philip Miller, both HHNS professors and PhD students Alexandra Coates.

The team surveyed 35 subjects between the ages of 19 and 30, half of whom were cannabis users. For all subjects, they used ultrasound images to observe the heart and arteries. They measured arteriosclerosis and arterial function, or the ability of arteries to dilate properly with greater blood flow. All three measurements are indicators of cardiovascular function and potential disease risk.

Arteriosclerosis was greater in cannabis users than in non-users. The team measured the speed at which pressure waves traveled through arteries. Hard arteries transmit waves faster.

Cannabis users had lower cardiac function (inferred from how the heart behaves as seen in echocardiographic images) than non-users.

Chan said the team was surprised to see no difference in arterial dilation in response to changes in blood flow.

All three measurements usually change in smokers, with stiff arteries and diminished vascular and cardiac function.

“I still don’t know why cannabis users have no difference in vascular function,” he said.

Cheung said the differences may reflect differences in how tobacco and cannabis are consumed, the amount and frequency, and the age of the user.

“We examined young cannabis users. Tobacco literature shows that heavy long-term smokers have diminished vascular function, but that is not always the case for young smokers.”

Researchers at the University of Guelph are planning further research to learn about these changes and the potential impact of disease risk on people who use cannabis.

“This is exciting new data, suggesting that there may be more subtle signs of changes in physiological function, even before the more obvious signs and symptoms of cardiovascular disease appear,” Barr said. He said.

“It also paves the way for the next study, with the goal of understanding the direct effects of cannabis intake and how it interacts with common stressors in daily life, such as exercise. “

Cheung emphasized that little research has been done on the effects of cannabis use on cardiovascular health.

“This is an exciting research area and an opportunity-filled area given the ubiquity of cannabis use and the gap in existing knowledge.”


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