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Varicose veins can cause complications if ignored | Health News

Varicose veins can cause complications if ignored | Health News


New Delhi: More than 190 million people worldwide suffer from varicose veins. In India, more than 10 million people are affected by varicose veins each year. Over 30 million people worldwide suffer from acute or more serious forms of venous disease, but the majority remain untreated.

Dr. Bhavesh Arun Popat, an endovascular specialist, was recently awarded by the Times Healthcare Leaders for excellence in vascular and endovascular specialties. Varicose vein treatment in Mumbai Patients who are affected or suffering from varicose veins or spider veins should not underestimate it or ignore this problem. In India, people with varicose veins do not consider it a serious illness. Therefore, they need to be more aware of what it is and how it surfaced, its possible complications and treatments.

If you notice that the veins in your legs are enlarged, swollen, or twisted, they often appear blue or dark purple than you are suffering from varicose veins. Damaged valves in the superficial veins of the lower extremities lead to the formation of varicose veins, resulting in reduced blood flow from the lower extremities to the heart. Varicose veins are most often found in the legs, feet, especially in the calf area. This can be due to continuous sitting or standing, improper walking posture, improper shoes, or heredity. Varicose veins can cause pain and discomfort because for most people, varicose veins are uncomfortable, uncomfortable, or spoil the cosmetic appearance. Varicose veins cause more serious problems and can lead to loss of limbs.

The signs and symptoms to look for to identify varicose veins are:

● Dark purple or blue of colored veins

● Twisted, swollen vein-like cord.

● Pain and heavy feeling in the legs

● Itching around veins.

● Burning sensation, swelling, muscle cramps in the lower limbs

● Severe pain after sitting or standing for a long time

Fortunately, there are many successful treatment options available today to get rid of varicose veins. Here we will look at the treatment options available in India.

Intravenous laser treatment: This process does not require hospitalization and may be done at the healthcare provider’s center. This procedure usually takes an hour and the patient may return home on the same day. Intravenous laser treatment is the process of using a laser to reduce swelling and swelling of veins. Laser surgery contracts and closes the varicose veins, blocking the veins and creating blood flow through other nearby veins.

Surgery: A surgical procedure called ligation and desquamation is performed to remove the affected veins. Surgery to remove varicose veins is usually performed under general anesthesia and requires hospitalization.

VenaSeal closure system: This is the latest and new system for treating varicose veins. The VenaSeal system transports a small amount of specially formulated medical adhesive to close the affected veins and send blood to nearby healthy veins to relieve symptoms.

The VenaSeal system is the most comfortable procedure compared to the other two options. It is a simple outpatient treatment that does not require swelling anesthesia, has less pain and bruising compared to heat ablation or laser treatment, and recovers faster than the other two.

This venous technique is a real benefit for older patients who develop advanced venous disorders such as severe pain, skin damage, and open wounds that were previously untreated by surgery or intravenous laser treatment. Take a deeper look at the Venaseal closure system

The system, called the VenaSeal closure system, is the most advanced and USFDA approved. This procedure uses a highly medically prescribed adhesive to safely and effectively close the affected venous segment and alter the route of blood flow through nearby healthy veins.

Dr. Bhavesh Arun Popat said: “The VenaSeal closure system is suitable for people with symptoms with superficial varicose veins in the legs. Benaceal’s sterilization kit is a special medically prescribed adhesive, catheter, dispenser gun, dispenser tip, guide. It consists of a delivery system component that includes a wire and a syringe. In the VenaSeal closure system, an endovascular specialist inserts a syringe filled with medical adhesive into a dispensing gun attached to a catheter. Under an ultrasound guide, the catheter is advanced into the affected vein. The catheter is placed in a specific area along the affected or diseased vein and is transported by a specialist with a series of triggers, a medical adhesive. And put pressure on the affected leg during the procedure. “

The VenaSeal closure system is designed and designed to significantly reduce recovery time and minimize patient discomfort. Venaseal is a new minimally invasive treatment option for varicose veins, requiring little or no recovery time and no risk of nerve or skin damage.

Dr. Bhavesh Arun Popat states that not all patients are eligible for venous closure system procedures. Appropriate evaluation by an endovascular specialist is required to determine if a patient is a candidate for this procedure.

(Disclaimer: This is featured content)


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