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A man suffers from heart and kidney failure after drinking energy drinks four times a day in two years

A man suffers from heart and kidney failure after drinking energy drinks four times a day in two years


After drinking four energy drinks daily over the past two years, a 21-year-old male college student suffered from both heart and kidney damage and was forced to quit school due to a life-threatening illness.

The man eventually recovered from an overdose of caffeine without suffering from symptoms such as shortness of breath, nausea, and general tremors.Energy drink-induced cardiomyopathy, ”Revealed in the BMJ case report.

According to a study, doctors treated men who drank 0.5 gallons or four 500 milliliters of energy drinks daily.

Energy drink consumed by humans beyond the safety limit

This corresponds to about 640 milligrams of caffeine per day, well above the recommended safe dose level of 400 milligrams per day.

Read again: Coffee lovers should be careful: too much caffeine can damage your health

The unnamed patient admitted that he was unaware of the health effects and was obsessed with energy drinks. He added that he “should be more aware” in the BMJ case report study.

Energy drink

(Photo: Kilian Seiler from Unsplash)

About the effects of energy drinks and their contents. He also discovered that energy drinks are “very addictive” and “too accessible to young children.”

Severe symptoms forced the patient to drop out of school

A few months before admission, the patient had to drop out of school due to severe symptoms such as tremors, indigestion, and shortness of breath.

The case emphasizes the toxic nature of energy drinks insider He said he carries large amounts of caffeine that can cause serious and life-threatening illnesses.

Caffeine, the world’s most consumed psychotropic drug, is consumer-safe in modest amounts and allows billions of people to finish their jobs with drinks such as coffee and tea. Its benefits include improved concentration, mood and energy.

However, too much caffeine can have side effects such as heart palpitations, low blood pressure, and anxiety. In the most severe cases, overdose of caffeine can cause unconsciousness and even death, which can lead to metabolic acidosis, a potentially serious accumulation of acids in the body that can cause renal failure. There is sex.

A more concentrated source of caffeine is expected to cause overdose, which means that energy drinks are more dangerous than coffee or tea.

Caffeine powder in energy drinks equivalent to 50 cups of coffee

According to case studies, the most dangerous are the caffeine powders found in supplements for weight loss, exercise and energy. This high concentration powder can carry more than 50 cups of coffee equivalent of caffeine.

This will come later BBC We surveyed another Cardiff University survey of responses to a health survey of more than 176,000 junior high school students aged 11 and 16 from 2013 to 2017.

According to the survey results, 6% of students said they consume energy drinks on a “daily” basis, and this trend did not change over time.

Consumption was different from low socio-economic groups and high socio-economic groups, he said.

Related article: How much can caffeine affect the structure of your brain?

Check out more news and information about caffeine Science Times.


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