Diet drinks, sodas may hurt your childbirth: Tribune India
New Delhi, April 18
Do you like sodas and diet cola breaks? Do you like sugar in your brew as a sweetener? If so, your “diet” beverage may be ruining your pregnancy plan.
do you know? Artificial sweeteners are chemical-based, and all sodas and sweet drinks are made with artificial sweeteners. There are many things to consider when you are trying to increase your chances of getting pregnant. But did you know or have thought that daily soft drink intake can affect your baby’s chances of having a baby?
Couples planning to become pregnant should consider limiting their consumption of these beverages, especially as they are associated with other adverse health effects. Studies have shown that women undergoing childbirth treatment are significantly less likely to become pregnant with their children if they frequently consume the artificial sweeteners commonly found in these beverages.
To imagine, “Consider reducing soda.”
Sugared sodas and diet sodas are one of the most popular beverages consumed by men and women of reproductive age. Studies have shown that drinking one cup of soda per day reduces the average monthly pregnancy probability for both men and women by 20-25%. These adverse effects are not limited to natural conception, but can also affect fertility drugs such as IUI and IVF.
Soda and infertility
Studies have shown that overdose of sodas is strongly associated with infertility in both men and women. Men who regularly consume sodas are four times more at risk of lowering sperm count, motility, and other parameters that affect childbirth. In addition, soda, an acidic beverage, changes the body’s pH and affects childbirth. Aspartame is an artificial fabric softener used in most soft drinks that can alter endocrine gland function and cause hormonal imbalances. Excessive consumption of carbonated drinks can also lead to the production of free radicals that can lead to the death of many sperms and eggs. What’s more, most soft drinks are vasoconstrictors, so they are rich in caffeine, which reduces menstrual bleeding. Therefore, it is clear that overdose of soda can lead to infertility in both men and women.
Other harmful effects
In addition to the above-mentioned direct effects of soda consumption on childbirth, there are various other ways in which soda consumption affects childbirth.
Soda has a very high sugar content, which can lead to excessive weight gain, obesity, indigestion, etc., and has a very negative effect on childbirth.
Ingestion of soda can cause subfertility through insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, weight gain, fasting glycemic disorders that can affect ovulation, and an increased risk of polycystic ovary syndrome.
Sodas and soft drinks are also rich in chemicals such as additives, preservatives and colorants, which also have a negative effect on childbirth.
Consumption of carbonated drinks leads to ovulatory infertility in women and a decrease in sperm concentration and total sperm count in men.
Overdose of soft drinks can raise blood sugar levels and cause type 2 diabetes. Not only is this bad for childbirth, it can also cause complications during pregnancy.
Consumption of soda disrupts hormone levels in the body, including estrogen, which can contribute to infertility.
Moreover, soda is highly addictive and has other adverse effects on gut health, bone strength, and various organs of the body. The combination of all these factors has a very negative effect on childbirth.
Throw away takeaway and diet drinks. Includes more eggs, green leafy vegetables, regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, quitting smoking, reducing alcohol intake, and most importantly, soda intake to increase your chances of having a baby It will be. –IANS
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