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The author of the study cited by J & J states that no blood clots associated with Moderna’s Pfizer were found.

The author of the study cited by J & J states that no blood clots associated with Moderna’s Pfizer were found.


Johnson & Johnson Citing a study published in February, he said that blood clots were reported in all three U.S.-approved shots and defended the COVID-19 vaccine in fear of causing blood clots. did.

However, the study found no blood clots associated with the other two vaccines. Pfizer And modern..

And J & J is now being accused by the author of the very study cited for misrepresenting her findings.

“No one was found with a blood clot,” said Dr. Lee Eun-ju, an assistant professor of medicine at Weil Cornell University of Medicine and the lead author of the study on the subject. CNN.

“I didn’t find any horrifying things happening at Johnson & Johnson.”

Johnson & Johnson claimed that there were reports of blood clots that caused a US and EU suspension in shots related to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.The author of the report it cited says it’s wrong

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials investigated seven reports of blood clots that could cause fatal cerebral hemorrhage in people who were shot by J & J two weeks ago. I have.

Authorities suspended the use of the vaccine until the investigation was completed. New guidelines for shots will be published on Friday.

In addition to the potentially misleading statements of Johnson & Johnson, experts are concerned that the false allegations will fuel further distrust of the vaccine-and 20 percent of Americans are already. Hesitating to fire.

So how did Johnson & Johnson get the media statement shared by CNN?

A Weill Cornell study found people with low platelet counts after receiving the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.

The Johnson & Johnson statement quoted a Cornell University study claiming that “thromboembolic events … have been reported with all COVID-19 vaccines.”The study found thrombosis (low platelet count) after vaccination with Moderna or Pfizer, but not thrombosis or the thrombosis itself.

This particular condition, known as thrombocytopenia, can cause blood clots. When the number of platelets decreases, the body may begin to increase the production of another blood compound known as thrombin to replace the lost platelets.

In rare cases, this can lead to blood clots. In more rare cases, scientists believe that the vaccine can cause the type of antibody that leads to a decrease in platelet count (and thrombosis or blood clots).

A Cornell study published in February 2019 identified 20 cases of thrombocytopenia and may have reported coagulation to the US side effect tracking system within 14 days of Pfizer or Moderna vaccination. Was suggested.

However, finding these cases after vaccination is not sufficient to prove relevance.

Nine of them were vaccinated with Pfizer vaccine and 11 were vaccinated with modelna vaccine.

Three people identified in this study had a history of blood clots or decreased platelet counts, one had a family history of blood clots and already had abnormal platelet counts-a particular coagulation condition that scientists are worried about. Warning signs can be caused by J & J’s vaccine-before their shots.

Fifteen were being treated for cases suspected of having low platelet counts, and three were autoimmune and were at risk of dangerous blood clots and low platelet counts.

There were five cases of thrombocytopenia that were reported to be vaccine-related or unrelated and could not be definitively ruled out.

Finally, in this study, of the 20 million people vaccinated by the end of the study, less than one had a low platelet count per million vaccinations.

The rate of thrombocytopenia “appeared to be less than or similar to what would be seen if the case was accidental after vaccination, and was probably increased somewhat by increased surveillance of symptomatological patients. “The research authors write.

This is significantly different from what is seen in seven people who develop blood clots after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

One person who developed thrombocytopenia was the same man who died in a clinical trial.

Since then, six other women between the ages of 18 and 48 have had low platelet counts and one woman has died after receiving a single J & J shot.

Still at a one-millionth rate, women’s symptoms are particularly severe, similar to the problems seen with AstraZeneca vaccines in Europe, and eventually discontinue recommendations for people under the age of 30 in some countries. I did.

Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Sunday that he suspected that J & J’s use of shots would be completely canceled in the United States.

The updated CDC and FDA recommendations scheduled for Friday are likely to advise that it be used only for some age groups and genders, US surgeon General Vivek Murthy said on Monday. Told CNN.

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