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Sleep disorders are associated with an increased risk of death, especially in women: studies

Sleep disorders are associated with an increased risk of death, especially in women: studies


Has been updated:
April 22, 2021 08:15 IS

Washington [US], April 22 (ANI): New Research It shows that there is a clear link between the frequency and duration of unconscious awakenings during nighttime sleep and the increased risk of dying from heart and vascular disease. death From all causes, especially Woman..
Survey results Research It was published in the European Heart Journal.
The· Research With 8001 men Woman Adult females who experience unconscious arousal most often and for longer periods of time are at risk of dying from cardiovascular disease during an average follow-up of 6 to 11 years when compared to the risk of the general female population. It turned out to be almost double.
In men the association was less clear and there was a cardiovascular risk death Compared to the general male population, it has increased by more than a quarter.
Unconscious arousal, also known as cortical arousal, is a normal part of sleep. It occurs spontaneously and is part of the body’s ability to cope with potentially dangerous situations such as noise and impaired breathing. Pain, limb movements, trauma, temperature, and light can also be triggers.
Dominik Linz, an associate professor of cardiology at Maastricht University Medical Center (Netherlands), explains: Another cause of awakening may be nighttime “noise pollution”, such as by nighttime aircraft noise. Depending on the intensity of arousal, one may become consciously aware of the environment, but in many cases this is not the case. People usually feel tired and tired in the morning due to sleep fragmentation, but are unaware of their individual awakenings. “
Previous studies have shown that sleeping too short or too long increases the following risks: death From cardiovascular or other causes. However, until now, it was unclear whether it was associated with nighttime sleep arousal load (combination of awakening count and duration) or risk. death..
In a collaborative study between a team led by Associate Professor Matthias Baumart of the University of Adelaide (Australia)’s School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Professor Linz, researchers examined data from sleep monitors worn by men overnight. Woman Participate in one of three studies: 2782 men with osteoporotic fractures on polysomnography (MrOS) in men, 424 Woman Osteoporotic Fracture (SOF) Study, and 2221 Men and 2574 Woman In the Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS). The average age of the study was 77, 83, and 64, respectively. Participants were followed up over several years, with an average of 6 years (SOF) to 11 years (MrOS).
After adjusting for factors that could affect outcomes such as total sleep time, age, medical history, body mass index (BMI), and smoking habits, the researchers found that: Woman The awakening burden was less than that of men. However, those with arousal loads, which account for more than 6.5% of nighttime sleep, were at greater risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. Woman Less awakening burden: double the risk of SOF, 1.6 times the risk of SHHS. The risk of dying from all causes was also increased 1.6-fold with SOF and 1.2-fold with SHHS.

Take Woman Taken together, both studies have a 12.8% risk of dying from cardiovascular disease for those with an alert load greater than 6.5%, which is almost twice as high as cardiovascular disease. Woman Of similar age in the general population who had a 6.7 percent risk.The risk of dying for any reason was 21% Woman In the general population, it increased to 31.5 percent Woman In two studies with arousal burden of 6.5% or more
Men with arousal load, who account for more than 8.5% of night sleep, were 1.3 times more likely to die of cardiovascular disease (MrOS) or some cause (SHHS) than men with low arousal load, death The cause of MrOS or the cardiovascular disease of SHHS was not statistically significant.
When researchers examined all men in both studies, men with a wakefulness load greater than 8.5% were at 13.4% and 33.7% risk of dying from cardiovascular disease or any cause, respectively. The general population of men of similar age, 9.6% and 28%, respectively.
“It’s unclear why there is a difference between men and men,” said Professor Linz. Woman At the association, but there are some potential explanations. The trigger that causes arousal or the body’s reaction to arousal is Woman Compared to men.This may explain relatively Higher risk Cardiovascular death To Woman.. Women and men may have different compensatory mechanisms to deal with the harmful effects of arousal.This can increase the burden on the trigger, as women may have higher arousal thresholds. Woman Compared to men. “
He said older age, body mass index, and severity of sleep apnea increase the burden of arousal. “Although you can’t change your age, you can change your BMI and sleep apnea, which can be an interesting goal to reduce your arousal burden. Whether this leads to a reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease. Is further guaranteed. Research.. For me as a doctor, the burden of high awakening is Higher risk Of cardiovascular disease. We need to advise patients to take care of their sleep and practice good sleep “hygiene”. Measures to minimize nighttime noise pollution, lose weight, and treat sleep apnea may also help reduce the burden of arousal. “
“To include an assessment of wakefulness load in routine strategies to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, estimate sleep duration and fragmentation, and easily extend to detect arousal,” said Professor Baumert. It requires possible, widely accessible, and affordable techniques. Measuring changes in activity and respiratory patterns may provide important information. “
Limits Research Since it was done primarily in Caucasians, the findings cannot be extrapolated to other races or young men. Woman.. Researchers did not consider the possible effects of medication. Participant sleep monitoring was done overnight, so night-to-night variability is not taken into account. Finally, it can only show that there is a link between greater sleep-wake load and increased risk. death, Sleep awakening does not cause an increased risk.
In the accompanying editorial, Professor Borja Ibanez, director of clinical research at Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III in Madrid (Spain), and colleagues who were not involved in the study Research Arousal load was measured objectively by a sleep monitor rather than being self-reported by the participants. They know that the body’s natural circadian rhythm disturbances are involved in the development of often undetected fat accumulation in the arteries, which may be a mechanism that increases the risk of cardiovascular problems. It points out that there is sex.
They continued, “despite the many knowledge gaps about the relationship between sleep and CVD. [cardiovascular disease] Not yet studied in the next few years, this Research It provides solid evidence supporting the importance of sleep quality for better CV health. Further evidence combining comprehensive sleep assessment with biological sampling and long-term follow-up would be desirable. .. .. What has not yet been determined is whether interventions aimed at improving sleep quality can reduce the incidence and mortality of CV events. While waiting for these trials, we wish you a sweet dream. (ANI)


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