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Women should be aware of the risk of coronary heart disease

Women should be aware of the risk of coronary heart disease
Women should be aware of the risk of coronary heart disease


Coronary heart disease (CHD) kills more than twice as many women as breast cancer each year in Northern Ireland and is the largest female murderer in the world. Nevertheless, it is often regarded as a male illness and consciousness is still delayed.

According to the British Heart Foundation (BHF), heart and cardiovascular disease cause one-quarter (25%) of all Northern Ireland deaths, or about 4,000 deaths each year. This is an average of 11 people each day.

CHD, the leading cause of heart attacks, causes 1,600 deaths each year in Northern Ireland, or an average of about 4 deaths per day.

Surprisingly, a recent briefing from the Foundation revealed that women did not receive the same care and treatment as men, so they either died unnecessarily from a heart attack or had poor recovery.

“Decades of research have changed the expected outcomes of people who have had a heart attack,” said Dr. Sonya Babnarayan, Associate Medical Director of BHF. “Still, if you are a woman, the odds are stacked differently.”

Briefings called Bias and Biology: How the gender gap in heart disease sacrifices women’s lives shows:

n Women who have a heart attack are unaware of their symptoms and therefore seek medical help longer than men.

n Women are 50% more likely than men to have an erroneous initial diagnosis of a heart attack.

n Women are less likely to receive timely treatments that can save more lives than men.

n After a heart attack, women are less likely to be prescribed medications that help prevent a second heart attack.

The BHF recommends that all women over the age of 40 visit their local GP or nurse for a medical examination to check for cardiovascular risk at least every 5 years. You can also book yourself to check your blood pressure and cholesterol.

If you have a family history of heart or cardiovascular disease, be sure to tell your doctor or nurse.

Family of heart or cardiovascular disease if the father or sibling was under 55 years of age when diagnosed with heart disease or cardiovascular disease, or if the mother or sister was under 65 years of age at the time of diagnosis It is considered to have a history. With heart or cardiovascular disease.

As women grow older, it becomes increasingly important to recognize risk factors that can predispose them to developing CHD. Common risk factors include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, overweight, and lack of adequate exercise.

Premenopausal women are generally less at risk of being affected by the hormone estrogen, which helps control cholesterol levels, and at a lower risk of accumulating fatty plaque inside the arterial wall.

During and after menopause, the female body gradually reduces estrogen production, increasing the risk of narrowing of the coronary arteries.

According to a BHF briefing, women’s lack of awareness of this so-called “excessive risk” could dramatically underestimate the personal risk of a heart attack, coupled with low health care uptake. It means that there is sex.

Symptoms of a heart attack vary from person to person, but often include the following:

  • Sudden, persistent chest pain and discomfort.
  • Pain that spreads to the left or right arm, or the neck, chin, back, or stomach.
  • Feeling sick, sweating, light-headed, or shortness of breath.

For more information on CHD and how to reduce your risk, please visit

Belfast Telegraph

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