Seeking a new approach to end the silence for miscarriage
However, existing care and support for women and couples is “inconsistent and poorly organized” and patients are only told to “try again”, causing and treating miscarriage. , The authors of three new studies on scale say. world. Researchers said a new system was needed to ensure that miscarriage was better recognized by health care workers and that women received the physical and mental health support they needed.
“Many women are concerned about the unfriendly care they receive after a miscarriage. Some are not provided with an explanation, and only advice is given to try again. This is not enough, We need to make sure that women are properly supported. “Siobhan Quenby, an obstetrics professor at the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom, said in a news statement. Quenby is also the deputy director of Tommy’s National Center for Miscarriage Research. Yes, he was one of 31 experts. I have written three studies.
The definition of miscarriage varies, but the authors state that it is commonly defined as the loss of pregnancies before survival.
Miscarriage miscarriage
Miscarriage is often misunderstood by women, men and healthcare professionals and continues to be misunderstood.
For example, the authors write that women, if it affects 1 in 10 women throughout their lives, have no effective treatment, lift heavy objects, or use previous contraceptives. He said he might believe it might be. These misconceptions often prevent women from seeking help.
Also, when a woman asks for help, she has to go to many clinics to find the cause of the miscarriage, and research shows that there are rarely places where all needs can be met. Patients are often treated by multiple practitioners, who often give conflicting advice. This can increase a woman’s distress as she handles the loss.
An editorial published by Lancet along with the study stated that miscarriage was “minimized and often rejected” for too long.
“The lack of medical progress should be shocking. Instead, it is widely accepted,” the editorial said.
“Miscarriage causes devastation in many couples in all countries. There is silence about miscarriage from women and their partners, health care providers, policy makers and funders,” the researchers said.
Given the fragmented systems that exist in most countries, the author proposes a new system of miscarriage care and treatment that governments and healthcare providers have said should be universally available. did:
- After the first miscarriage, women need to assess their physical and mental health needs and provide guidance to support future pregnancies.
- If you have a second miscarriage, you should make an appointment for a complete blood count and thyroid function test at a dedicated miscarriage clinic to discuss risk factors. Women who have had two miscarriages and then become pregnant should be provided with an early scan for additional support and peace of mind.
- After three miscarriages, additional testing and treatment should be provided, including genetic testing of pregnant tissue, pelvic ultrasonography, and, if necessary, genetic testing of the parent.
In a statement, study co-author Chandrika N. Wijayaratone, senior professor of reproductive medicine at the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, needs the minimum services available worldwide for women who have experienced recurrent miscarriage. Said that.
“In many cultures around the world, childless women, and sometimes their partners, face discrimination, prejudice, and expulsion, but miscarriage prevention remains public health in many low- and middle-income countries. Priority remains low. Competing health care priorities and services for women can be particularly limited. ”
Risk factors for miscarriage
The new study highlights several factors associated with an increased risk of miscarriage.
“Not all miscarriage can be avoided, but the insidious implication that miscarriage should be managed with minimal medical intervention, such as reproductive health problems in other women, including menstrual pain and menopause. It’s an ideology, not evidence-based, “said the editor who accompanies the study.
“This new series of studies should catalyze a major focus on miscarriage in the medical research community, service providers, and policy makers. The days of telling women to’try again’are over.” I did.
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