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Fauci advises India to marshall all resources, including the Army, to fight Covid-19

Fauci advises India to marshall all resources, including the Army, to fight Covid-19


Calling the situation in India “very hopeless,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, America’s premier public health expert, said the government would marshard all resources, including the military, and soon build a temporary field hospital. He suggested that he do so and urged other countries to support as well as materials. Also, personnel.

In an exclusive interview with PTI, US President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, Forch, also nationwide blockades for “weeks,” not necessarily six months, to break the “continuation and spread of infection.” Asked. “

Dr. Fauci’s proposal and India’s disastrous assessment came when the number of new Covid infections in India officially passed Rs 200 million, nearly double the number three months ago. According to official figures, more than 220,000 of these have died.

In contrast, the United States has recorded 320 million rupee cases and 577,000 deaths in a population that is one-quarter of India’s 12 billion rupees since the outbreak of the pandemic. Nonetheless, India’s inadequate medical infrastructure, weak economy and low standard of living have exacerbated the suffering that has led to a significant shortage of oxygen and hospital ICU beds, especially in the second wave.

The government states that infection rates have consistently declined since April 30, when more than 400,000 cases were recorded. More than 355,000 cases were reported on Tuesday.

“Given the fact that India is currently exposed to such terrible stress as well as the extent of its outbreak, other countries in the world need to participate in support, just as the United States does.” He said.

“The world can help by supplying India with materials, and perhaps even personnel, but certainly the materials they need to deal with it properly (pandemic),” he said.

An 80-year-old doctor and immunologist, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, also recommends mass vaccinations on Monday to stop deadly illnesses that spread throughout India.

“Now they need to start vaccination of as many people as possible, both with vaccines developed in India and with vaccines that may be procured from other suppliers. Russia … Companies need to start vaccination. Whenever we try to supply the vaccine, we are happy in any country, “Forch said.

But “vaccinating someone now” doesn’t solve today’s problems, he added, helping to prevent problems a few weeks later.

A more pressing issue is how to care for and treat the thousands of people who are inundated daily with the flood of hospitals across the country, who are in desperate need of oxygen and basic treatments.

“It’s clear to everyone that the situation in India is very serious,” said Fauci, who is considered one of the world’s top infectious disease experts.

“When so many people are infected … lack of ability to care for everyone properly. Insufficient hospital beds, oxygen and supplies make it a truly desperate situation. That’s why we feel it’s important to help the rest of the world as much as we can, “he said.

Forch, who closely monitors India’s worst health crisis, said there are certain things that India can do immediately, in the medium and long term. He recommended that he immediately build a makeshift field hospital with the help of the national army. “Remember last year when China had a very serious problem, it gathered resources to build a new hospital very quickly so that it could accommodate all those in need of hospitalization. “He said.

In reference to media reports, he said India had a significant shortage of beds and people were being taken care of by ad hoc arrangements.

“So, perhaps with the help of your own army, it is possible to build a field hospital as it was during the war, and people who are sick and need a bed will have a hospital. Beds.” He said. He also emphasized the need for a national blockade over the course of several weeks to stop the spread of the virus.

“A few days ago I recommended that at least part of India do that, and you recommended closing the country with a blockade,” he said.

“For example, what China did last year, what Australia did when it happened, what New Zealand did, what other countries did, etc., other countries should be completely blocked for a relatively limited period of time. It will lock down for 6 months. You can lock down for a few weeks, “Fauci suggested.

He explained that imposing a blockade could certainly interfere with the dynamics of the outbreak of the virus and interfere with the continuation and transmission of the infection, citing experience gained in other countries. Said an immunologist.

In response to the question of whether the current outbreak in India poses a threat to other countries, Forch said:

“I want to be careful not to spread it elsewhere,” Fauci added.

“I am very sorry that India is experiencing this very difficult time. That is what we are very solidarity with and trying to do whatever we can to help them. That’s why we know, “Forch said, referring to Biden. The administration is rushing to India for medical devices and life-saving drugs to fight the pandemic.


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