5 Questions: Roshni Mathew on the Benefits of COVID-19 Vaccination | News Center
Currently, one-third of the country is vaccinated against COVID-19, infection rates are declining, and vaccines are available. It is shown According to, to be safe and effective Centers for Disease Control and Prevention..
Due to the high doses of vaccines, public health officials are paying attention to the recent slowdown in demand. The competition between widespread vaccination of the population and new variants of the virus could lead to a surge in infection rates again. Roshni Matthew, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Stanford Medicine, and Associate Professor of Infection Prevention and Management at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital.
Recently, science writer Tracie White spoke with Mathew about some myths about vaccines and the importance of getting vaccinated as soon as possible.
1. What are your concerns about people taking a wait-and-see approach before vaccination with COVID-19?
Matthew: My goal is to tell people that the vaccine is working at the moment, that the vaccine is safe, and that there is enough information to show that it needs to be vaccinated now. Most urgent is the concern that this virus, like all viruses, is constantly mutating. Many of these mutations are harmless. Others may be more resistant to the vaccine or more deadly to infected people. If vaccination can provide faster immunity to the disease, the problem of mutants will be lessened. We are competing with these variants. We need to go beyond that.
Looking at what’s happening in the world scene right now, these concerns only double. India, where they are experiencing a catastrophic second wave, is a very good example of where most of the population was unvaccinated. The contribution of the new mutants there-whether it affects infection, disease severity, or vaccine responsiveness-is not yet clear.
One thing about the pandemic that has made us humble many times is how we are not good at predicting. All I can say for sure is that vaccination has been very helpful. Vaccines are saving lives.
2. What is the evidence that these vaccines are safe? Was science in a hurry to get them to market soon?
Matthew: All three vaccines available in the United States (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson vaccines) have an emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration. There is a wealth of scientific evidence that these three vaccines are safe. It is true that it was developed at an unprecedented pace. From preclinical studies to full approval, it usually takes more than 10 years for them to be injected into a weapon. And while the pace was impressive, the steps in the approval process were not skipped. There are many vaccine candidates, and so far only these three have been approved for use in the United States. Frontline candidates have passed extensive clinical trials. Once they were completed, the results were sent to the FDA for rigorous review. We then asked the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Immunization Implementation Advisory Board for further consideration before it was deployed to US civilians.
Since the vaccine rollout began in December, the CDC and FDA have provided several mechanisms for further follow-up and study of vaccines. The three approved for use in the United States are now being delivered to millions of people through mass vaccination, and the results again show that they are extremely safe.
3. Why is vaccination so important for people who are not at high risk of dying from COVID-19, especially those who are young and have no underlying medical condition?
Matthew: Beyond the concern that the disease will spread to others and suffer from the unpleasant symptoms of COVID-19, including severe flu-like symptoms, the effects of getting the disease can be prolonged. They can be quite serious. We know that COVID-19 can cause complications such as pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome. Most children recover, but some have serious consequences. Fatigue, loss of smell and taste, dizziness, palpitation, chest pain, etc. may not recover immediately and may prolong the symptoms, but we are still trying to understand. I don’t know who can show these long-term symptoms. Another reason to protect yourself from infection in the first place.
4.4. Can the vaccine give you COVID-19?
Matthew: Used by all three vaccines Unique technology It stimulates the body’s immune response to fight off the virus, but it does not actually inject the live virus into the arm, so COVID-19 does not cause illness.
However, it can take up to 2 weeks after receiving a second dose of Pfizer or Remodeler vaccine and 2 weeks after a single dose of Johnson & Johnson vaccine to be fully effective. During those two weeks, you can catch the virus. Also, because no vaccine is 100% effective, you can get infected after vaccination, and the illness may look like a vaccine. However, only the SARS-CoV-2 virus can give you COVID-19.
I’ve heard concerns that vaccines may change your DNA. No vaccine can do this. They never change or interact with your DNA.
5. Is it safe to vaccinate pregnant women, people with chronic illnesses, and people with allergies?
Matthew: The vaccine is approved for use during pregnancy. The decision to vaccinate during pregnancy is a personal decision that takes into account your health and the risk of exposure to the virus. COVID-19 infection during pregnancy can be very serious. Ultimately, talk to your doctor before making a decision. But overall, there is no reason why pregnant women should not be vaccinated.
People with symptoms such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease are at increased risk of dying from COVID. It is very important that people with chronic illnesses be vaccinated to protect them from the virus.
For immunocompromised patients, it is not as safe as an efficacy issue. There are no specific safety concerns, but vaccines may not work — we really don’t know.
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