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Indian Covid Crisis: Mucor disease Fungal Infection

Indian Covid Crisis: Mucor disease Fungal Infection


PPE medical staff attending a temporary Covid-19 Care Center at LNJP Hospital in Shehnai Banquet Hall, New Delhi, India, April 23, 2021.

Raj K Raj | Hindustan Times | Getty Images

As India tackles the deadly second wave of coronavirus, authorities warn of rare fungal infections that can be hurt or even fatal if not taken care of.

Some media coverage National doctor Report of cases of mucormycosisInformally known as the “black fungus” among Covid-19 patients who are recovering or recovering in states such as Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Delhi.

what is that?

Mucormycosis is a “serious but rare fungal infection caused by a group of molds called Mucormycosis”. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.. According to the CDC, after inhaling fungal spores from the air, it most commonly affects the sinuses and lungs, but it can occur on the skin after an injury and, in some cases, on the brain. There is also.

Infections are more common among people who have underlying health problems or who are taking medications that reduce the body’s ability to fight bacteria. Researchers investigating past Murcormiscosis infections in India Diabetes was the most common underlying illness, Occurs in 54% to 76% of cases.

Although infections are treatable, the estimated mortality rate for CDC is about 50%, depending on the underlying condition, fungal type, and affected body part.

However, the state-run Indian Medical Research Council (ICMR) said patients who stayed in intensive care units for extended periods of time and those who were immunosuppressed by steroids could also be at risk.

Many severely ill Covid-19 patients in India Corticosteroids like dexamethasoneAnti-inflammatory drugs that reduce the ability of the immune system to fight infections and other illnesses, relieve symptoms and make them more sensitive.

But government officials Last week, it was reported that there was no outbreak. Of fungal infections in India.

What are the symptoms?

ICMR has issued a recommendation Over the weekend, he urged doctors and patients to pay attention to early symptoms.

They include stuffy nose and secretions, unilateral facial pain, numbness and swelling, toothache and loosening of teeth, blurred or diplopia, redness around the eyes, fever, dyspnea, and chest pain.

Treatment options include antifungal therapy. According to the ICMR, while reducing or discontinuing steroids and other drugs that suppress the immune system, in more severe cases surgery may be needed to remove all necrotic tissue from the body.

If left untreated for long periods of time, it can lead to permanent damage such as blindness and death.

Mucormycosis has existed in India even before the Covid-19 pandemic began last year.Official data are lacking due to lack of population-based studies, but some researchers say that the prevalence of mucormycosis is about 70 times higher domestically than in other parts of the world..


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