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HIV: Accept Not Shamefully – Sting in Europe – Important News and Insights on European Politics, Economy, Diplomacy, Business and Technology

HIV: Accept Not Shamefully – Sting in Europe – Important News and Insights on European Politics, Economy, Diplomacy, Business and Technology


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This article was written exclusively European sting According to Afak Amjad, a medical student at Allama Iqbal Medical College in Lahore, Pakistan. He is the International Federation of Medical Students (IFMSA), Sting’s heartfelt partner. The opinions expressed in this work belong strictly to the author and do not necessarily reflect IFMSA’s or European Sting’s views on this topic.

Added this small introductory part to give the reader a concept about what HIV / AIDS. HIV and AIDS are usually confused with each other, but these are two different terms. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system. If HIV is not treated, it can lead to AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). so, HIV that is Cause And AIDS Result is Condition.. By the mid-2000s, 102,000 people were detected to be HIV positive in Pakistan, according to the latest figures.Here I wrote the story “Purely fictional character” Named Arrib Ahmed.. He is the only son of a middle-class family.The story is Written in the first person.

I … I was pretty young, maybe 12 years old when I started using the drug. I had a friend who smoked a lot, but I can’t resist having such a company … So one day my friend gave me a cigarette and I smoked a lot with other people and smoked. .. Over time, I started using opium, alcohol, and finally heroin. By this time I was 18 years old. I and my friend were poor and managed to buy some medicine, but I couldn’t buy enough syringes (intravenous syringes), so I often used regular syringes.

At the age of 20, fever, chills and rash began to appear. I visited the nearest Attai-Doctor and he diagnosed me as having a simple cold. “All you need for Arrib is a good night’s sleep,” he said. However, my condition gradually deteriorated. Night sweats, muscle aches, malaise, and swollen lymph nodes also began. I visited many different Attai-Doctors but couldn’t find a suitable treatment and my illness wasn’t diagnosed either. One of them suggested that I have a blood test. I visited the nearest public hospital about 30 kilometers away.The· The day was Tuesday And that Date, October 22, 2001.. That day changed my life, so I still remember it was “Crystal Clear”.

I was immediately moved to another room. A doctor came in, took my report, stood 4-5 feet away from me (immediate discrimination), and said, “Arrib you are HIV positive” … a little silence … and I asked, “What?” … because I didn’t know anything about what HIV is … and he said “HIV … AIDS”.The first word that came to my mind when I heard this “death” I knew that AIDS was death-related and incurable (a common stereotype).But … but I have AIDS Unsafe sex… I gave the doctor all my history … he “General syringe” It was the cause.

It’s been four days, and frankly, the whole village that I’m suffering from HIV, thanks to two friends who accompanied me to the hospital and were informed about my illness by a doctor and staff. I know. But I told my parents about myself and the cause of the illness, and I was a substance abuser because I thought I didn’t have enough time left … so I did what I thought was right. did. Social isolation Not only from society, but also from my dear friends, cousins, uncles, aunts … the first thing I felt. I have become an entertainment in my village, as you can say. Whenever I passed by, I often heard people laughing and commenting … “Hey, he’s Arrib … I told you … the HIV guy” … “He’s I must have had some relationship. I’m facing music. “Nobody cares about shaking hands with me. The shopkeeper refused to serve me. I couldn’t eat or drink with my friends. Wherever I went, I could only hear abuse.

When I got home, I didn’t want my parents to get the virus, so I was quarantined in another room … my parents objected … every time I visited my cousin’s house, I was taken out in another room in another pot. I did.Also, my cousin who was supposed to get married Broken engagement She believed that HIV patients could transfer their illness if they had another common stereotype, physical contact.

All these events drove me crazy. I often had suicidal ideation. The medications I was taking to control HIV had a negative effect on my memory and also caused eye weakness.For me this is the end.

One day my dad came and said, “There is an NGO in Arrib. I have informed you of your condition. They are having a session on HIV awareness. Why don’t you go and check in?” Hesitated, but decided to go because his father insisted. Surprisingly, I noticed that there are many HIV patients, including boys, men and women.

The session was very informative. There were some things that got stuck in my head … “HIV patients should avoid using drugs” “HIV patients can get married as long as they do not develop AIDS and the virus is still inactive.”..

You know that there were still a lot of smoked and smoked foods, but after visiting an NGO that night, I decided that now … when I change myself … when I give up on drug use … for improvement … for improving my family. It was. That day I said no to the drug. I accepted my condition mentally.

I visited NGOs frequently and eventually became part of it. I meet a variety of HIV patients from all over Pakistan. They share their story with me and I share my story with them. Please provide them with proper counseling so that they do not go through the same steps … the steps I have experienced. I have now devoted my life to helping other HIV patients. I collect money and donate from my pocket to help people who can’t afford HIV treatment.

love… it’s not physical … it’s emotional … it’s behavioral … it includes care, affection, and trust. There I went back to my NGO and met a girl who had a life story like me. We talked … we got to know each other more … we started to like each other. She wasn’t like anyone else … she was different … she was physically and mentally beautiful. Her facial features were extraordinary. She knew I was suffering from HIV, but we were still in love.I told my parents to shorten the long story We got married.

I have three children, two boys and one daughter. My wife, yes, she’s family HIV negative.. I am infected with HIV, but because HIV is still inactive, it may not be infected or it may be a divine blessing. Blood tests are done every 3 months to check and balance.

I have everything that ordinary people dream of. I cannot thank God enough. Participating in an NGO, my wife, children and parents gave my life a purpose. I felt the importance. Everyone in my village was unaware, so I did my best to spread awareness among them. My efforts have paid off and people’s attitudes … their way of thinking about HIV / AIDS has changed. Someone who didn’t bother to talk started talking to me. I am no longer facing social isolation. I am now respected in my neighborhood.

After all, I want to say that killing people is not a disease, but a way society treats people. I hate illness, not people. Help is available, you are not alone. All you need is proper counseling.

About the author

I am currently studying MBBS in my second year at Aafaq Amjad at the Ala Mikbal Medical College in Lahore, Pakistan. I am a member of IFMSA. I’m SCORE, the assistant director of IFMSA-AIMC-LC. He is also a member of HSE-AIMC. SYNCH Pakistan. I am also a VFAHT Pakistan volunteer.

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