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What is HPV and why do I need to be vaccinated?

What is HPV and why do I need to be vaccinated?


With all the stories surrounding COVID-19 and the achievement of “herd immunity” through mass vaccination, health professionals have reminded the public about another virus that is easily transmitted but can also be prevented.

At an online media conference on Wednesday, Guard Against HPV unveiled human papillomavirus (HPV), a common sexually transmitted disease that can cause sexually active Filipinos to cause health problems such as genital warts and cancer. He emphasized the need to stay vigilant.

The campaign emphasizes HPV prevention as a “fight between men and women” and hopes to encourage both men and women to take the right steps to prevent the spread of the virus, including vaccination.

“We all have a role to play in the fight against HPV,” Dr. Mary Ann Escalona said during the meeting.

“As parents, we need to properly instruct our children to know how to take responsibility for their health. As spouses and partners, we need to keep ourselves at the peak of our health. You need to have the right information about, how to prevent infection, and how to prevent the spread of the disease, “she added.

“This gives each other a chance to prosper without worrying about illness.”

What is HPV?

Human papillomavirus or HPV is a common sexually transmitted disease.

It is transmitted from person to person through anal intercourse, vaginal intercourse, oral sex, or close skin-to-skin contact during sexual activity.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HPV can cause cervical cancer and other cancers in men and women, including genital ulcers, genital dysfunction, genital cancer, vaginal cancer, penile cancer, and anal cancer. It can cause a variety of health problems.

Vaccination and prevention

According to Dora. Portia Ortiz of the Philippine Association of Sexually Transmitted Diseases states that “ABCDE” for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases such as HPV includes:

Abstinence of sex
Be loyal to your partner
Use of CCC or “correct and consistent condoms”
Don’t take drugs

Also, Dora. According to Ortiz, HPV vaccination was “ready available” to provide protection from infection. All you have to do is consult a friendly doctor.

“You can go to your GP or family doctor. If you are more accustomed to it, you can go to your urologist. You can go to your dermatologist. Yes, you can go to your dermatologist, or you can go to your physician, or even a pediatrician, can access the HPV (vacuum), “Ortiz explains. did.

“That is, we are not the only sexually transmitted disease doctors because every Filipino doctor who is practicing today knows a little about the HPV vaccine, so they already have enough information,” she said. Added.

“If possible, we recommend that you consult a friendly sexually transmitted disease, pediatrician, or urologist if you want to focus on how, where, and how much you get.”

May was declared in the Philippines as Cervical Cancer Prevention Awareness Month. According to the Guard Against HPV, a 2019 survey by the HPV Information Center shows that 7,190 new cervical cancers are diagnosed each year in the Philippines.

In 2019, the Ministry of Health (DOH) HPV vaccine It was safe and effective in preventing cervical cancer. -RC, GMA News


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