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Why mosquitoes bite you: Scientists have discovered chemical differences in the skin that attract them

Why mosquitoes bite you: Scientists have discovered chemical differences in the skin that attract them


When a mosquito bites a human, it usually leaves an itchy, round, puffy ridge. This indicates that female mosquitoes prefer skin and are determined to spread diseases such as Zika and dengue. Chikungunya fever, Rift Valley fever, and malaria.

Malaria is the highest risk with 229 million cases, and Africa leads the world with about 67% of malaria deaths. Vector control strategies aimed at preventing these diseases are not sufficient to control them.

In finding a solution, researchers at the University of Pretoria are trying to answer why mosquitoes prefer certain people to others.

News site Modern ghana Researchers reported investigating differences in skin surface chemicals that could attract mosquitoes.

They were able to identify two possible questions: which compounds are closely related to mosquito bites, and which compounds are associated with mosquito-unattractive individuals that can be used to develop mosquitoes. Are you doing Repellent..

    Mosquito bites: Scientists have discovered chemical differences in the skin that attract mosquitoes

(Photo : Pinterest).
Mosquito bites: Scientists have discovered chemical differences in the skin that attract mosquitoes

What attracts mosquitoes to some people?

by Health lineThere are various factors that attract mosquitoes to certain people. This includes carbon dioxide, body odor, color, heat and water vapor, learning, alcohol and pregnancy.

However, researchers’ new research focuses on the chemicals found on the surface of human skin. Only female mosquitoes bite humans with the blood needed for egg development.

They find the host through a series of steps of action. The first step is to look for a host that is usually driven by clues such as carbon dioxide or visual cues.

Female mosquitoes use heat and moisture cues near the host and, finally, skin odors that affect landing and bite choices.Skin chemicals are used for intra-species communication Semiochemicals, This may be the reason why mosquitoes prefer certain individuals.

Read again: 12,000 Genetically modified mosquito eggs scattered throughout Florida as “living pesticides”

Semiochemicals Found on the surface of the skin that attracts mosquitoes

by conversation, Researchers have discovered more than 500 skin compounds identified in the study, many of which remain unknown.

Sophisticated technology and technology are currently helping to identify Semiochemicals And a potential blend of these chemicals that attract mosquitoes, some may even act as mosquitoes Repellent..

Researchers have developed a silicone rubber sampler that can be worn as a bracelet or anklet for sampling the skin of 20 people.use high tech Equipment, identified 69 volatile and Semi-volatile Compounds contribute to differences in the chemical profile of the skin.

Of these, 31 were previously unknown, so we began our investigation and found that 20 promoted mosquito bites.

Improving Malaria Vector Biological Control Strategies

Researchers believe that the compounds they identify will help develop future malaria vector control strategies that act as attractants. Repellent..

More research will be needed to test them, especially with female mosquitoes Non-invasive The skin sampling technique used by the research group for vector control applications and human health screening.

Related article: Frequency of mosquito bites: Find out why temperature plays a major role in diffusion Mosquito-borne infection. sick

Check out more news and information about mosquito At Science Times.


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