Studies suggest that two more coronaviruses can infect people | Science
Along Anthony King
ScienceCOVID-19 reports are supported by the Heising-Simons Foundation.
Eight children who were hospitalized for pneumonia in Malaysia a few years ago had evidence of a new coronavirus infection similar to that found in dogs, the research team reports today. Previously, only seven coronaviruses were known to infect people, the latest being SARS-CoV-2, which has sparked the COVID-19 pandemic. The discovery of this likely new human pathogen poses another global threat to which members of the virus family, along with reports of cases of coronavirus that appear to have jumped from pig to human many years ago. May be significantly expanded.
“The more you look at it, the more you’ll see that these coronaviruses are ubiquitous,” says Stanley Perlman, a virologist at the University of Iowa who wasn’t involved in the new study.
Researchers have not definitively linked either new virus to human illness. And there is no evidence that two new coronaviruses can be transmitted between humans. Each infection may have been a dead-end jump from a non-human host to a human. However, many researchers are worried that the virus may evolve its capabilities in humans and animals that are commonly infected. Complete genomic sequence of virus found in one Malaysian patient. Clinical infectionsReveals a chimera of genes from four coronaviruses. Two previously identified canine coronaviruses, one known to infect cats, appear to be a porcine virus.
This is the first report suggesting that dog-like coronaviruses can replicate in humans, and further studies need to confirm their ability. Researchers have propagated the virus in canine tumor cells, but not yet in human cells.
Unlike SARS-CoV-2 and other known human coronaviruses, “there is no clear evidence that this is specific. [coronavirus] The strain adapts better to humans because of its spiked structure, “said Anastasia urasova, a veterinary virologist at The Ohio State University (OSU), the lead author of the study. She adds that human infections with the canine coronavirus can occur “much more often than previously thought.” This particular virus may not be transmitted among people, but we certainly don’t know it, Vlasova warns.
The eight children of the tissue sample studied by Vlasova and her colleagues live primarily in traditional row houses and villages in the countryside or suburbs of Sarawak, Borneo, and are frequently exposed to livestock and jungle wildlife. It may have been. They were one of 301 pneumonia patients admitted in 2017-18, and researchers found a wide variety of human and non-human coronaviruses in each patient’s nasopharyngeal sample (tissue wiped from the top of the throat). Was screened.
Standard hospital diagnosis of pneumonia or other respiratory illness did not detect coronavirus in dogs and cats. Until recently, no patient with such a disease was looking for these viruses. “These dog and cat coronaviruses are found all over the world,” Perlman says.
The entire new virus sequence from the child sample is most similar to the canine coronavirus. However, the sequence of peplomers that attach to host cell receptors and initiate infection is closely related to the canine coronavirus type I spike sequence and the porcine coronavirus spike sequence known as transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV). It is related. Also, some of the spike proteins have 97% similarity to feline coronavirus spikes.
This chimera is unlikely to occur all at once, but instead, it has undergone repeated gene rearrangements between different coronaviruses over time. “This is a mosaic of several different recombination that happens over and over again when no one is watching. And boom, you get this monster,” said Benjamin, a virologist at Texas A & M University. Neumann says.
Vito Martella, a veterinary virologist at the University of Bari, Italy, said that the animals that actually infected people with the new virus could have been cats, pigs, dogs, or “wild carnivores.” He will screen stored fecal samples from children with acute gastroenteritis in Italy to see if similar ones can be found.
Researchers already knew that the three canine coronavirus subtypes could easily mix with cat and porcine coronaviruses. “More surprisingly, these are [animal] Viruses can actually cause illness in humans, “says Perlman. This is because the virus is expected to lack some of the genes that are important for successfully adapting to humans.
Of the eight children whose tissues contained the virus sequence, seven were under the age of five, and four of them were predominantly indigenous babies. Each was hospitalized for 4-7 days and recovered.
Scientists classify coronaviruses into four genera (alpha, beta, gamma, and delta), the new one being alpha. It is the third such alphacoronavirus that infects people. The other two cause common colds, and most people are exposed to colds early in life. That pattern may explain why only children got sick with this new thing. Ralph S Baric, a virologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, suggests that adults may have some immunity to the newly discovered alpha coronavirus because of repeated exposure to the other two. doing.
So far, the most dangerous human coronaviruses (SARS-CoV-1, SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV) are in beta. Researchers have never seen Alpha cause the outbreak of a serious illness in humans, says Neumann, “but it feels less comfortable in the wild world of the virus.”
In March, researchers at the University of Florida reported: medRxiv Preprint First evidence of porcine deltacoronavirus infecting people with sera from three Haitian children who had a fever between 2014 and 2015. Researchers were able to transfer serum samples to monkey cells to propagate a virus that is genetically consistent with the known porcine coronavirus. (The work was submitted to a peer-reviewed journal.)
The deltacoronavirus was once thought to infect only birds. Then, in 2012, a pig infected with the deltacoronavirus broke out in Hong Kong. “It looks like we’ve jumped over a songbird,” says Linda Saif, an OSU coronavirologist who continued to isolate the virus in pig cell cultures.
The same virus caused a serious fatal diarrheal disease outbreak in piglets in the United States in 2014. Since then, it has been shown to infect human, porcine, and chicken cell lines. Laboratory studies have shown that the virus causes persistent infections and diarrheal illness when placed in poultry. “It’s a left-wing virus that infects both bird and mammal species by itself,” says Barrick. “No other coronavirus I know can do this.”
Some virologists classify Hong Kong’s delta colon virus as a pandemic threat. Haiti’s virus is quite different, and virologists want to test local children and adults for antibodies to it. If the ability to infect people is confirmed, it could be considered a pandemic threat, Saif said.
Together, the two reports point to the importance of animal diseases in public health and the need for coronavirus vaccines for livestock. “This study underscores the urgent need for more studies to assess important questions about the frequency of cross-species transmission. [coronavirus] Infection and the potential for human-to-human transmission, “says Barrick.
Gregory Gray of Duke University is the lead author of Malaysia’s chimeric coronavirus research and is known as a hotspot for new viruses, as well as live animal markets and large farms. “These spills can take years,” says Gray. “It’s not like a movie. They go through various steps to infect humans.”
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