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Key Factors Increased Potential for Early-onset Colorectal Cancer-Consumer Health News

Key Factors Increased Potential for Early-onset Colorectal Cancer-Consumer Health News


Thursday, May 20, 2021 (HealthDay News)-Colon cancer is on the rise among people under the age of 50, and that’s why the multi-million dollar problem is.

Currently, new studies suggest that certain lifestyle factors, such as eating large amounts of lean meat and heavy alcohol consumption, may be involved in this increase.

“The incidence of colorectal cancer in people under the age of 50 is increasing in many countries, but the cause of this is not well understood. [and] Our study is the first major effort to identify these causes and provides early clues to identify the most risky causes, “says NYU Langone Health, New York City. Research author Richard Hayes, a professor of environmental medicine, said.

The findings are one of the announcements released by the US Preventive Medicine Committee on Tuesday that the recommended age for initial screening of colonoscopy in people at average risk of colon cancer will be reduced from 50 to 45 years. I will do it.

To better understand what lifestyle factors are involved in the increase in colon cancer in adolescents, researchers have found that people who developed colon cancer before and after age 50 and their history. We analyzed data from 13 studies, including those who did not have colon cancer.

In addition to eating a lot of lean meat and consuming too much alcohol, people diagnosed with early-onset colon cancer do not take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), such as aspirin, on a regular basis. Correspondents who did not develop cancer before the age of 50 who did not go as far as going to school. Daily low-dose aspirin may reduce the risk of colon cancer.

All of these factors also increase the risk of developing colon cancer after the age of 50. In contrast, body mass index (BMI, an estimate of body fat based on height and weight) and smoking were not risk factors for early-onset colon cancer. It was a late-onset case.

When researchers analyzed the risk of colon cancer by where the cancer was found, they found that people who did not eat enough fiber-rich foods were more likely to develop cancer in the rectum than in the colon. I did.

These risks were similar between men and women, Hayes said. He said the study did not include enough black or non-white people to conclude on the role of race in the risk of colon cancer before the age of fifty.

“In the future, it is important to extend research in this area to other racial and ethnic groups,” says Hayes.

This study was published in the June 2021 issue of the journal. JNCI cancer spectrum..

“This study tells us a little about young people who have these risk factors. If they have abdominal symptoms and have some of these risks, we are faster or more frequent. Screening may be recommended, “said Associate Professor Dr. Niha Zaidi of Oncology at Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore. She was not involved in a new study.

Heather Hampel, genetic counselor for the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center-James Molecular Carcinogenesis and Chemistry Prevention Program, said the increase in colorectal cancer in people under the age of 50 is likely not genetic. It was.

“It’s good that a new treatise confirms some of these risks seen in other studies, but to identify something specific to early-onset colorectal cancer that may be new since 1960. I wanted it, “she said.

“There is no smoking gun that explains why early-onset colon cancer has increased so dramatically,” said Hampel, who was not involved in the study.

Until researchers determine the cause, the best way to get ahead of colon cancer is to follow screening guidelines, know your family history, and eat a healthy diet.

For more information

For more information on new screening recommendations for colon cancer, US Preventive Medicine Committee..

Source: Richard Hayes, DDS, PhD, MPH, Professor, Population Health, Environmental Medicine, NYU Langone Health, New York City. Neeha Zaidi, MD, Associate Professor, Oncology, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Baltimore; Heatherhampel, LGC, MS, Genetic Counselor, Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center-James Molecular Carcinogenesis and Chemical Prevention Program, Columbus. JNCI cancer spectrum, June 2021


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