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They fought COVID-19 and only died of mucormycosis

They fought COVID-19 and only died of mucormycosis


A ferocious second wave of coronavirus has devastated India in the last few weeks. The virus infection killed thousands of people as the country’s death toll peaked in mid-May. The virus continues to cause devastation nationwide. In it, new infectious diseases are occurring, causing people’s distress. The number of cases of mucormycosis is increasing rapidly. Mucor disease is a rare but dangerous and potentially deadly fungal infection, also known as the “black fungus”, which has become fatal in the last few days. Thousands of cases of black fungus have been reported nationwide, with hundreds hospitalized and at least 90 dead. Read again- Covid patients with mild infections should strictly avoid steroids: experts

Black bacterium infection affects the nose, eyes, and sinuses of patients recovering or recovering from COVID-19. According to experts, this fungal infection has led to prolonged morbidity and mortality in infected individuals. Read again- Cases of white fungus reported in India after black fungus: Do you need to worry?

Who is prone to black mold?

Mucormycosis or melanomycosis is more common among people with weakened immunity due to COVID-19. Infections are also common in people who are being treated for diabetes (especially diabetic ketoacidosis), chronic kidney disease, liver or heart damage, age-related problems, or autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. .. The disease is rare in people who do not have diabetes, but it can be fatal if not treated immediately. According to health experts, the chances of recovery depend on early diagnosis and treatment. Read again- Black fungus or zygomycosis: what to do and what not to do, symptoms and treatment

Apart from the potential risk factors for the fatal infections mentioned above, cancer patients or those who have undergone organ or stem cell transplantation, neutropenia (low leukocyte count), long-term use of corticosteroids Skin damage due to excess iron in the body, surgery, burns and blemishes, premature infants, and low birth weight are also susceptible to infection or very vulnerable. Mucormycosis..

COVID-19 and zygomycosis – a description of the relationship

Why are only patients who have recovered from the coronavirus infected with the black fungus? COVID-19 is considered to be the highest risk factor for black fungal infection. When a person becomes infected with the coronavirus, the body experiences a steady decrease in the number of lymphocytes, making people with COVID-19 more susceptible to this fungal infection.

Also, Covid patients receiving oxygen therapy in the ICU may have a humidifier in their ward. This increases exposure to moisture and makes you more susceptible to fungal infections.

Consider whether you can develop both black mold and COVID-19 at the same time. Yes, people are reportedly able to suffer from coronavirus and black ear mushrooms. However, this is rare and depends on some of the underlying health complications, such as those who are severe enough to be placed in the ICU or who have existing complications such as diabetes and HIV.

How does black fungus spread from infected to healthy people?

Unlike the coronavirus, mucormycosis and black fungi are not contagious. Therefore, if there is an infected person detected in a black fungus, it will not spread to other healthy people through the air-it is not levitating. Experts say the transmit mode is different from what we noticed for COVID-19.

“Black fungus is not an infectious disease. It is not transmitted from infected to uninfected by close contact or cough droplets. It is basically present in the environment and if someone has an underlying health condition. , That person is at increased risk of getting infected, “said Dr. Landeep Grelia, director of AIIMS.

How do black ear mushrooms get into the body?

Mucormycosis is caused by a group of molds called Mucormycosis. It is naturally found in air, water and even food. It can enter the body through fungal spores in the air or develop on the skin after cuts, burns, or skin damage. This fungal infection generally attacks the sinuses or lungs after a person inhales fungal spores in the air and can also affect the skin after surface damage such as cuts and burns. Tell me what happens after it gets into your body.

What happens to your body after being infected?

Mucor disease begins to manifest as a skin infection on the forehead, nose, behind the cheekbones, and in the air pockets between the eyes and teeth. It then spreads to the eyes and lungs and can spread to the brain. It causes darkening and discoloration of the nose, blurred vision and diplopia, chest pain, dyspnea, and hemoptysis.

According to doctors, if not treated quickly, the fungus can spread very quickly and be fatal. The infection is so aggressive that it spreads faster than cancer. In 15 days, it can spread from your mouth to your eyes and into your brain within a month.

Black bacteria in the intestines

Mucormycosis is most commonly associated with the rhino-orbital-brain system or lungs. Intestinal or GI zygomycosis is a very rare disease, most commonly associated with the stomach or large intestine.

“GI mucorosis is rare and patients present with vague abdominal symptoms. Nowadays, a history of Covid exposure with steroid treatment should require an early CT scan of the abdomen,” experts said. It is said that it was.

Symptoms of black fungus

How to keep safe from getting infected Black fungus infection?? Experts say early detection of the disease is the only key that can prevent it from becoming fatal. The warning symptoms of black bacteria include the following.

  • Abnormal black secretions or crust or blood from the nose
  • Pain and redness around the eyes and nose
  • Numbness and tingling sensation on the face
  • Dyspnea
  • Mild to moderate fever
  • Loose teeth
  • heat
  • Headache of unknown cause
  • Blood of vomit
  • Persistent cough

Why is it more prevalent in India?

India is the world’s diabetic capital. Given the number of black ear mushroom cases in people who have recovered from COVID-19 due to diabetes, Dr. Randeep Guleria, director of AIIMS, said that the population is black due to poorly managed diabetes and unrestricted use. It states that the number of cases of wood ear is increasing.Steroids Treatment of COVID-19.. He added that excessive use of self-prescribed steroids has also contributed significantly to the spread of India.

what to do?

Let’s say you are infected and now you are experiencing the symptoms we have listed above. What should you do now? Here’s what the experts want from you:

  • You need to control the blood sugar levels of diabetics. Check your blood sugar carefully every day.
  • Avoid taking the medicine yourself. Talk to your doctor before taking any medication to cure any of the above symptoms during or after recovery of COVID-19.
  • Steroids should not be used indiscriminately in the treatment of COVID-19.
  • If you are suffering from other serious illnesses, continue to take the drug.
  • Masks should be cleaned regularly and ironed properly to prevent mold growth.

Release date: May 22, 2021 20:39

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